Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Shadows of War (2)

{ War is on the Horizon }

{ You must prepare your students ! }

{ ABILITY UNLOCKED: Teacher's Insight }

{ Description: It can be applied on any ninja within a certain strength range. Allows the user to see the minute mistakes ninjas make in their technique in their technique and correct them, enhancing learning speed and mastery of ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu. When applied to a ninja, Teacher's insight creates a bar showing Chakra remaining, Mental focus, and Physical stamina}

Mukai analyzed the Prompt before his face, excitement rising as the meaning of these words clicked in his head. With this, he would be able to greatly increase the rate and quality of his student's learning. Before he could deeply consider the implications of this new ability He felt a tap on his leg.

Looking down he saw Shisui staring at him intently.

"Teacher Yusei, I know you said to go home. But I was wondering if we could start our training early" His eyes blazed with determination. To be as strong as he was in the story one couldn't be lazy, but what Mukai saw in those eyes was beyond discipline.

Mukai lowered himself to Shisui so they were at the same level. "What do you train for, Shisui?" Shisui paused as he considered the question. He had never told anyone his goals before, as they seemed so far out of reach. He looked into Mukai's eyes. "I will become the Uchiha Clan Head and change the Village's opinion of us!"

The conviction he said this with was almost physical. His chakra flared and the loose items on the nearby desks went across the wooden academy floors. Students who were filing out were stopped in their tracks. And the ones around Shisui and Mukai waiting to get their chakra activated were forced to take a step back.

A beep he was coming to love sounded out in his head

{Teacher Yusei has uncovered a Student's INTENT }

{ Rating: A }

{ Reward: Fuinjutsu Knowledge (Weight Seals) }

INTENT: A student's driving force. It's what they envision to get stronger, and a catalyst for ???

Mukai could hardly contain his excitement, first the update now this? He was definitely starting to do something right. Mukai smiled at Shisui

"Good, good. Our goals and our ideals make us the ninja we are. While lofty, there is nothing a dedicated ninja cannot accomplish." He pat Shisui on the head before he stood up. "Let me finish here, and then you can meet me at my courtyard. We will start then."

"Thank you Teacher Yusei, you won't regret training me." Shisui said seriously before leaving. 'I know I won't!' Mukai thought to himself. Considering the rewards he had already gotten from the system on only a couple of times meeting the kid. He could not help but be excited as to what the future has in store.

Mukai looked at the rest of the students surrounding him. "Well, let's get started." He said

Most of the kids left behind waiting for their chakra to be opened were from civilian families. Only even accepted to the academy because they had adequate physical and spiritual energies present at the assessment.

Keni was the first to step up and Mukai placed his hand on his temple. "All I'm doing students, is forcibly mixing the physical and spiritual energies already present in your bodies." The students listened intently

"Although this would happen naturally in the next couple of months of training, we don't have that kind of time do we?" His smile turned grim at that.

"Anyways now stay still and relax Kenji, you won't feel much now but you might be a bit sick tonight." Mukai let his chakra seep into Kenji's body. He set it to cycling through his chakra system faster and faster as it mixed everything together. When it reached a point Mukai could visualize his chakra points coming alive. He was no Hyuga so he couldn't see them perfectly. But his chakra control allowed him a slight view.

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