Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Training Days (2)

The morning after the training session with Shisui, Mukai found himself perched atop the ancient stone walls that guarded the village. His gaze wandered across the horizon, where the calmness of dawn flowed. Mukai's thoughts turned to his students, the young ninjas who represented the future of Konoha.

Mukai descended from his vantage point and headed towards the academy. On the door of the classroom, Mukai placed a note reading "Class will be held in Training ground #1. Meet me there."

As the students filed into the academy building, they murmured curiously about the change of scenery. An unusual setup of the training area awaited them outside, Mukai greeted them with a solemn nod.

"Today.", he announced, "We will begin a new phase of your training—one that mirrors the unpredictability and challenges of real missions."

The training ground already featured various zones, each designed to simulate different scenarios that ninjas might encounter in the field. From dense forested areas for stealth operations to makeshift enemy camps for reconnaissance missions, The place was chosen by Mukai due to his goal to immerse the students in as close to a real experience as possible. Mukai stepped out in front of the students.

"Today marks a new beginning in your journey to becoming true protectors of Konoha," Mukai began, his voice carrying the weight of his words across the morning air. "You will be divided into five teams, each faced with unique challenges that will demand not just your strength, but your intelligence, teamwork, and adaptability."

He proceeded to name the teams, assigning each a number and briefly outlining their activities for the day. "Team One, your agility and swift decision-making will be tested. Team Two, your focus will be on stealth and reconnaissance..." and like that they each got their objectives for the training.

"Team Three, you've missed a crucial vantage point from the treetop there. Always remember, height can be your ally," Mukai called out, as he pointed towards a seemingly inconspicuous tree that offered a comprehensive view of the makeshift enemy camp below.

A voice piped up from the group, Kotetsu's, laced with frustration, "But Teacher Mukai, how do we maintain stealth while moving to higher ground? Won't the enemy spot us?"

Mukai's lips curved into a knowing smile, "Excellent question. The key is to blend with your surroundings. Use the leaves and the branches to your advantage. It's not just about not being seen; it's about making sure the enemy doesn't even suspect your presence." He demonstrated a swift, movement up the tree, he placed his foot on the bark of the tree and launched himself silently up the tree. "Like so," he finished, his voice emanating from above, causing a mix of awe and surprise among the students.

"Woahhhh how'd you do that?" Kenji asked. He had seen ninjas on high places all the time growing up in Konoha, however, the actual process of getting on said high places always escaped him.

"That, Kenji. Was wall– or I guess, tree walking. A chakra exercise that you all have to master if you are to pass my class." Mukai said

He held his fingers to his mouth and whistled as loud as he could to signal groups to stop what they were doing and gather at the center of the training grounds.

As the groups converged, Mukai stood at the center."Before we continue with the situational training. I have a technique that will be the jumping-off point for everything you do as a ninja moving forward."

"Tree walking," he began, "is one of the fundamental chakra control exercises. It allows a ninja to adhere to vertical surfaces, like trees or walls, by focusing chakra to their feet."

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