Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Resolve

Sunlight dappled the soft earth of Mukai's courtyard like fallen coins, a welcome change from the regimented order of the academy. This secluded field was Mukai's preferred classroom, the quiet isolation fostering intense learning away from prying eyes.

"Well, if it isn't our favorite quartet of miscreants," he grinned, the warmth in his voice offsetting the mischief in his eyes. Kenji straightened, squaring his shoulders with a cocky grin.

"Bring it on, Sensei. I'm ready to show you what real progress looks like."

Obito scoffed loudly. "As if, Kenji. I'm the one who's going to blow Mukai-sensei's expectations out of the water!" He struck an exaggerated pose, one fist raised dramatically. "With my skills, this will be easy!"

Shisui shook his head at Obito's antics, though his lips curved in a faint smirk. "Bold words. Let's see if you can back them up."

"Easy there, Obito." Guy's voice was thick with mock seriousness. "We wouldn't want you to pull a muscle from all that enthusiasm."

Obito squawked indignantly, but there was no real heat in the bickering. It had been weeks since the attack on the genin. Since then, Mukai had moved all his meetings with his disciples to the weekends. The weekend training sessions had become a routine, a time not just for improvement, but for a camaraderie they had started to build.

"Enough chatter," Mukai interrupted. "Let's see if those muscles remember anything I've been drilling into you during the week."

A groan rippled through the group followed by good-natured complaints. But underneath, Mukai sensed focus settling over them. There was respect, even a hint of eagerness masked by their playful grumbles. He'd been pushing them, pushing them hard. With everything going on they would need it. Results were vital in this world, yet Mukai couldn't stifle the warmth he felt seeing them respond to the challenge.

"Let's start easy," he said. "Sparring. Kenji, Guy – you're up first."

Kenji, once hesitant and unsure, moved with a new fluidity learned from relentless drills. Guy was a study of youthful energy, though his technique sometimes lacked refinement, his pure bodily power made up for it. The spar unfolded with a seamless flow of strikes and counters, each movement executed with precision and intent. Kenji's reflexes were honed, allowing him to evade strikes with calculated grace, while Guy's raw strength propelled his attacks with devastating force. Throughout the spar, they integrated the split-second substitutions he had incorporated into their training. While not as graceful as Shisui, and surprisingly Obito there was improvement, and growth.

Faint blue light surrounded Mukai's eyes as he activated his Teacher's Insight to watch their spar

"Focus," Mukai called out. "Guy, your balance is off. Kenji, chain your attacks, don't give him time to recover."

His instructions were less about specific moves and more about fostering a mindset. Battles were won as much through strategy as through raw power. Mukai could teach techniques, but the awareness, the ability to analyze while in the thick of combat – that was the skill that would keep them alive.

The spar ended, and both boys were flushed and breathing hard, but with bright eyes. "Not bad," Mukai conceded, the faint smile a reward in itself. "But that was child's play. Time to ramp things up."

Kenji and Guy stepped back, trying to catch their breath as Mukai turned his attention to the rest of the group. "Shisui, Obito - you're next. No holding back."

Shisui rose fluidly, his lithe frame betraying a dancer's grace. Obito rolled His shoulders, stretching His neck from side to side as He approached the sparring area. Despite His smaller stature, He exuded a quiet confidence that was very different from his usual loud personality.

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