Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Intent to ???

Mukai stared intently at the message. As the reward finished initializing confusion washed over him.

{ Training Day Complete }

{ Rating: S }

{ Reward: Knowledge. }

The system paused for a second as if loading. Then out of nowhere like a rush of wind through the leaves in fall Knowledge flooded Mukai's mind.


He had to work to keep himself on his feet and his hands went to reach for his head. The knowledge didn't calmly assimilate into his mind as one would have thought. It slammed into his brain with all the subtlety of a Tailed Beast Bomb into the village walls.

For what felt like hours but was only a couple of seconds in reality Mukai stood there holding his head in agony. Eventually, the pain eased and he opened his eyes with a new clarity held in them.

He looked over to where Guy and Obito were still packing up and decided to try something.

"Hey guys, Whenever you get emotional, do you notice your chakra doing anything weird at all?" He asked

They stopped to consider his question. They hadn't seen his episode but they had heard him suddenly stop moving and go silent before asking this question out of the blue. Guy was the first to speak up.

He clenched his fist as the thought reached him. "Well whenever I get super worked up, and I think about the power of... the power of... THE POWER OF YOUTH." His body almost broke itself with how fast it snapped into position.

With the awareness he had now, Mukai made sure not to waste this opportunity. He quickly activated his sensory jutsu and heightened his senses as much as possible to observe Guy's chakra as it flowed during his trancelike state.

A beep sounded in his head.

{ A Student has unlocked their INTENT. }

{ The first step to a DOMAIN. }

Mukai quickly dismissed the notification.

"Haha, Very good Guy!." He couldn't help but laugh. With broken students like his, he was sure to reach the top of the ninja world in no time.

What Guy had accomplished was unlocking his INTENT. The driving force behind every ninja's way of life. A belief so strong that it can embody a fragment of the power of the Sage of Six Path's will and bestow the ninja with a marginal increase in power according to the solidity of said intent.

An intent that has reached a certain point can lead to a DOMAIN. A deeper connection with the Sage's will that would give the ninja a field in which the power of their intent can come to true fruition.

A ninja with mainly fire capabilities with the Intent of protecting those around him may manifest a domain in which burning embers as hot as Amaterasu circle those his enemies wish to harm. Of course, a domain is over a hundred times harder to form than intent. One has to embody their intent so completely that it seeps into the chakra system, and is then able to pull harder on the Sages will.

Guy snapped out of it to find both Obito and Mukai looking at him with funny faces. 'What's with that grin...' He thought to himself looking at Mukai. His face was very different from Obito's grimace.

"Haha, no worries Guy, Just seeing how you would respond is all. Let me see you both off." Mukai responded. He would explain to them what happened eventually, however, he didn't want to stunt their development with such thoughts now.

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