Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Training Days (1)

"Today we should focus on taijutsu. Skill level in Taijutsu, Chakra control, and other disciplines are the only things that can give you an edge over a more powerful opponent." Mukai began.

"I will only use Konoha's standard taijutsu. I will not go over any forms with you, you will learn by doing, do you understand?" Mukai asked

"Yes, Teacher." Shisui answered.

Mukai stood at the center of the courtyard. Opposite him, Shisui shifted his weight from one foot to the other, Trying to get his bearings under the added weight from the seals. his young face set in a mask of determination, eyes blazing with the fierce desire to surpass his limits.

Mukai began, his voice cutting through the morning chill, "Shisui, taijutsu isn't just about strength or speed. It's about understanding your body, predicting your opponent's moves, and using their force against them." Shisui nodded, absorbing every word.

"Today, we'll focus on the basics but refine them to perfection. You need to be like water—fluid yet powerful, adaptable yet unstoppable," Mukai continued.

"This stance is the basis of all fighting you will do. It will allow you to respond to attack in an efficient manner." demonstrating a stance that balanced perfectly between offense and defense. Mukai's feet are spread shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent to lower the center of gravity, ensuring balance and quick movement. Arms are held forward, one slightly higher than the other, ready to block or strike

Shisui mirrored him, attempting to mimic the balance and poise. Mukai observed closely, then stepped forward, adjusting Shisui's arms, lowering his center of gravity, and correcting his footing. "Your foundation must be solid, Shisui. It's from here that your true strength will flow."

After Shisui's stance was passable they stood opposite each other and readied themselves. "I will limit my speed and strength to what a good academy graduate should be at. You will be using level 1 of the weight seal. No, it will not be fair but life often isn't for a ninja." Mukai waited for him to acknowledge.

"Here I come."

{ Teacher's Insight: Activated }

Mukai didn't hold back, pushing Shisui to his limits and beyond. They sparred, Mukai effortlessly dodging and countering Shisui's attacks, always a step ahead. As they went back and forth time seemed to slow whenever Shisui made a mistake, an overstep would have time slow and a glow be put on the foot. A misplaced jab would have an outline of where he was supposed to place it appear. It seemed his ability was at work.

"You're relying too much on your eyes, Shisui. In taijutsu, your body must 'see' as well. Feel the air shift, sense the movement of my chakra. Aim where you think im going, not where i am." Mukai instructed, his voice a steady force amidst their dance of combat.

Sweat poured from Shisui's brow as he launched another series of strikes, each one parried or dodged by Mukai. Yet, with each exchange, a subtle shift occurred within him. His movements began to flow more naturally, his attacks becoming more unpredictable, his senses sharpening.

Mukai smiled, sensing the change. "Good, Shisui! That's it! Now, let's elevate your training. Remember, the essence of taijutsu lies in your ability to adapt and transform."

"Be careful Shisui, you'll get hurt if you slip now."

Suddenly, something changed. Whereas before Mukai was dodging or blocking Shisuis attacks with pure speed. He now seemed to teleport. Every time Shisui's fist or foot was about to strike Mukai. A tiny plume of smoke would appear and he would be an inch too far away or to either side.

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