Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Tensions in The Land of Fire

The cavernous war room in Kumogakure hummed with tension, the flickering torchlight cast shadows across the faces gathered around the central table. At its head, the Raikage's figure radiated an aura of barely contained power, his fingers drumming an impatient staccato against the polished oak.

"Our scouts confirm it," he rumbled, his deep baritone reverberating through the chamber. "Konoha's defenses have been compromised."

Ai, his most trusted Jonin advisor, leaned forward, her calculating gaze fixed on the map sprawled before them. "A prime opportunity, Lord Raikage. They'll be reeling, unprepared."

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the gathered shinobi elite. The Raikage allowed a feral grin to spread across his weathered features.

"Exactly." He punctuated the word by slamming his fist against the table, the impact echoing like a thunderclap. "We strike now, without warning, without mercy."

Darui, his right hand, and a master strategist, arched an eyebrow. "A full-scale invasion would leave us overextended. We'd need to commit everything."

The Raikage shook his head, his eyes glinting with predatory shrewdness. "A surgical strike, lightning-fast. We'll slip past their outer defenses, and cut a path straight to the heart of the Land of Fire." His calloused finger traced a winding route across the terrain. "Hitting them where it hurts most—their pride, their sense of impregnability."

A heavy silence fell as the implications sank in. Rashi broke it first.

"You seek to goad them, to force an overreaction." It wasn't a question, but an acknowledgment of the, high-risk strategy he was proposing.

The Raikage nodded, his gaze sweeping the room. "Konoha believes itself untouchable within its borders. We'll dispel that illusion, shatter their complacency." His fist clenched, knuckles whitening. "And should they retaliate as I suspect, we'll be ready, luring them into a battlefield of our choosing."

Darui stroked his chin thoughtfully. "The team will need to be fast, and precise. No room for error or delays."

"Which is why you'll lead them," the Raikage stated matter-of-factly. "Handpick your elites, those whose talents complement speed and stealth."

A ghost of a smile tugged at Darui's lips as he gave a curt nod of acknowledgment.

The Raikage's voice took on an edge. "This isn't about land or resources. This is about making a statement, one written in Konoha's ashes if need be." His gaze bored into each of his subordinates in turn. "Our message will be clear: the world has changed, and Kumo will no longer cower in the shadows of the 'great' villages."

A chorus of affirmations, solemn and resolute, answered his declaration. Ai bowed her head briefly. "Your will be done, Raikage-sama."

With a grunt of finality, the Raikage straightened, his immense stature dominating the chamber. "Then it's settled. Darui, prepare your team. You depart within the hour." His eyes glinted with the promise of violence to come. "And spare no mercy should you encounter resistance. Konoha's arrogance will be its undoing."

As the gathered shinobi dispersed, Darui lingered, tracing the infiltration path with a calloused finger. A slight, grim smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"Let the games begin."

The Hokage's office buzzed with tension, jonin commanders assembled around the large rectangular table. Shikaku Nara leaned forward, brow furrowed as he scrutinized the intelligence report.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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