Chapter 13

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Okay let's talk at the end.

Pete pov

The first thing that came to my mind when I woke up was, WHERE AM I. I am on a bed that's for sure! And there’s no one except me. I glanced at the locked door…
My body seemed to regain its strength but when did I lose it in the first place? Still, I feel a little dizzy but that was it. I am good. I was good. Till I drank that coffee. Wait, My eyes widened…. Wait, it can't be….. Panic rushed through me and I sat up with a jolt “aww…” Pain surged throughout my veins caused by the needle that attached to my hand. I followed the needle and looked up to take a closer look. Is that……
“Thank god Pete” that voice distracts me from the bottle that is hanging on the stand next to the bed to the door that once locked.
“you’re awake finally”

“what happened? Where am I pravat? How did I end up here? And what's th..”

“woo woo… calm down Pete. One question at a time” he chuckled taking a seat next to the bed “You fainted and I took you here for treatment”


“oh come on pete 'a hospital' I will call the doctor to check on you” Pravat excused himself and I watched him go and return with a man who wore a white coat.

Macau pov

I coerced my stubborn eyes to open when they refused to do so. I feel restricted and sore when I came face to face with an unfamiliar face. I haven't regained my consciousness fully so everything is still blurry
“hey win, inform the boss that he woke up”  he instructed, That's when I noticed another man. He walked way with a nod.
The guy who instructed grabbed my jaw in a painful grip to have a better look “You are quite cute” he muttered with a nasty grin. I tried to raise my hand to punch him but they were stuck. I open my eyes wide realizing they were tied behind my back. Where am I? I shook my head out of his grip and he didn't try to catch my chin again but instead, he stepped back from my chair making a poker face “Don’t struggle too hard it won't do you any good” he said.
“well well, look who is here!” a man in his 40's entered the room although the room has poor lighting I can see his nasty face and the guys, closing the door behind him. “finally I am achieving my dream” he smiled looking into my eyes.
I tugged at my hands in opposite way but the rope they used to tie me seems to have more gravitational force than earth because no matter how much I tried to break free my hands, the ropes again kept them in place pulling them back. Not to mention the stale odour in the room that makes me feel nostalgic.

“haha… what would your brother do when he realizes that you are in my hands. Wouldn’t he go insane?” the old man spoke again after a pause.

“Who are you? Leave me before it's too late” I gritted my teeth, eyes wide, catching his attention.

“aren't you too fierce kid?” he has an amused face but the nasty smirk came back in no time.

Kid? Who are you calling kid… he only calls me that. Alex!! He was with me but where is he? I desperately searched the remaining room with my eyes. What happened to him? My heartbeat gets little louder than usual banning me from analyzing the situation around me.

“oh, are you searching for your little lover? Don't worry will take care of him” he bent down patting my cheek and left giving orders to keep me locked.
I did nothing except for watching him leave. I don't know what to do. I feel numb with my eyes plastered to the door. Alex… did I drag him into our mess? An involuntary tear escaped my eye, rolling onto my cheek and then disappeared into my clothes.

Pete pov

“thank you for staying by my side pravat”


“what happened? Why are you making a face like that?” I asked chuckling.

“like what?” he asked.

“like you are guilty” I said

“because I am” he whispered but I heard it. He caught my eyes for a second before going back to admire the ground.

“What?” he was okay until we reached my home then suddenly his face fell.

“I thought I would have a chance with you. So, I pretended to be your friend to get close to you but now….. I realized it's late” we are standing outside the gate to my home. Opposite to each other. Everything went well until he confessed those words…. Now I don't know how to respond with the revelation.

“don't worry, I will forgot everything with time but I think you should have a talk with Vegas. It won't be good for both of you to go on like this. You should tell him” Oh, how he was all playful earlier and now preaching like some Saint.

“It’s not that easy but I will try” the words felt foreign on my tongue. Am I really gonna do that? “please don't tell him what happened today. I will talk to him”

“ it's good” he smiled and hugged throwing his hands around me gently

“umm… okay. I’ll go inside”
And he nodded letting go of the hug.

Inside the mansion, it's just silence which meant Mac hasn’t returned. I dialed his number grabbing my phone from my pocket and it directly goes to voice mail. Damn, this brat!! Where did he go with his lover. If Vegas finds out he will be in trouble.

Vegas is in our bedroom going through some documents. Probably for the same issue he was trying to find. He looked tense with his creased eyebrows and clenched jaw.

Seeing him like this and doing nothing makes me think that I was making some distance between us. It's won't be good for both of you to go on like this. Pravat's words ringed in my ears. Did I make a mistake providing everything he wants without him asking?
I went to the couch he sat and gently rubbed the sides of his forehead. He closed his eyes, sighing.
“Are you okay?”

“Hmm… come here” Vegas guided me into his lap with him facing my back and he buried his face into my neck sniffing my scent.

“what's this?” I pointed my curious fingers toward a tab on the table that had a video playing.

“Oh, this? Some stalker I say” he bent down to grab the gadget and put it in my lap.

“Stalker?” I ask. There are a lot of videos playing one after another and all are familiar places which I and Macau had gone to.

“Hmm. I have been trying to find what I have done to him, that got me to attract his attention” he said.

“Is he behind us?” I whispered. He tightened his hold hugging me strongly.

“don't think too much” cold. That's what his voice felt like. I fidgeted with my fingers out of anxiety.

“stop that!” he covered my small hands with his big ones and kissed my cheek. “you stink”

“oh, I will take a bath” the words left my mouth but my body is still there like statue because he refused to let go.

“stay. Why do you smell like medicine” he started to sniff my neck. I was startled.

“umm… I… “

“did you go to bring those contraceptive pills again?” No, definitely not. He was calm yet intimidating. “stop trying pete. I won't allow them” I know. And there's no use anymore… so I nodded.

“good” his voice is hoarse. He sucked my neck while his hands decided to take a tour inside my shirt. “turn around” he threw all the documents and tab onto the table making more space for us on the couch.

I turned facing his broad chest, Straddling him. Impatient, he threw his shirt and unbuttoned his pants lowering them along with his boxers.
“come on take it. I can't wait longer” he is hard already. I gulped seeing that giant. No matter how many times we had sex, I still wonder how I managed to take that huge- “pete??” oh, Sorry I forgot he is impatient. I removed my pants, leaving my shirt unbuttoned.

He was waiting with his hands rested on the couch, almost challenging me to do it on my own. His lust for me made me shy but I managed to slip it inside getting my teeth.

“yes!! Like that” he moaned. I moved my hips with difficulty with ever-slow movements. It was hard.

“not enough” he muttered. Much like talking to himself throwing his head back. “ too slow darling” with a swift move he lied me on the couch hovering over me.

“hold them like this” he collapsed my legs around his waist. I nodded. And he had his way with me until he came making me a moaning mess.

We stayed like that for some time catching our breaths, sweating. And I felt him getting bigger inside me again. “hubby??” he just smirked in return.
This horny man…….

Third person pov

The man chugged the entire beer bottle in one go. He decided to get drunk and forgot his heartbreak
“oh damn, this is how it feels like when we fail in love? Fucking hurts” he shouted disturbing all others in the bar.

“hey Pravat come on you can't drink more than this. You are already wasted” his friends dragged him out of the bar with much difficulty.

On the other side, Mac kept shouting 'leave me' but there is no one. The door is locked, he wonders if anyone can hear him. He hung his head low defeated.

“Mac?” his eyes lit up seeing his only hope.
“Alex!!” he is safe…… he know he would come to save him…….

I am always late nowadays but I can't help it with my depression due to my superior.

Well she will take some time off from work and I will be assigned under some other superior so, I hope it would happen soon so that I can escape her

I just praying for my peace.

As usual, I love you all ❤️

Hope you enjoyed it.

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