chapter 14

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Vegas pov

Kissing Pete’s forehead, I woke up from my slumber stretching my hands in the process. Usually, he will wake up before me but from the past few days he seemed lazy or rather weak?

Getting ready, I head downstairs and to my office. I would rather starve myself until lunch instead of trying to make something in the kitchen. Last time I did, it didn't end well.
Well, today I am determined to find him with Kinn helping me. With these things happening kinn also hasn’t slept well. I am sure of that.
After getting the necessary supplements from my office, I hit the road to reach kinn.

Macau pov


He stood at the entrance after a minute or so, he closed the door behind him and walked in hurry. His eyes never leaving my position with his gritted teeth.

“are you okay?” I asked searching for any trace of wounds on his body through my eyes. His eyes found mine.

“he really dared to tie you up” he scoffed. And untied me. Finally!! My hands are swollen from how tight the ropes are tied.
I hugged him immediately trying to stabilize my breath as he rubbed my back. I was relived. Relived to see him safe. Relived that he came to save me. Relived that everything will be alright.

“Alexander!!!” came a shout from behind and a furry man appeared at the door. He was the same man from yesterday. “why did you came in without my permission?” he continued to shout.
Alex rolled his eyes “he doesn't need to be tied up” he said and put his both hands in his pockets before making a poker face.

I was dumbfounded. Confused. What's even happening here?

“I told you to stay away. Your job is done then why are you here again?” that old man asked Alex.
Now what? What job? Why am I even here? Alex is working for him? But the way Alex rolled his eyes at him, says otherwise.

“yeah! My job is done. I am out of here” Alex smirked looking at me and I froze. What did he mean? didn't he came to rescue me? And giving a last glance to that old man he walked out.

I wanted to scream. Yet again, I found no voice. It's like the words are stuck right under my throat and there’s an unknown barrier stopping them to come out.
It was when he disappeared from my sight, I found myself whisper “Alex”

“hahaha…. Oh my god! What's with your reaction boy? Oh….. Did you thought he loved you?” he gasped like he was surprised. Shocked. But I know he is mocking me. I stared blankly.

“ok let me explain. Ahem” he cleared his throat and continued in a hushed tone. Intimidating. A little scary. But I was more scared about what he gonna say.
He finally whispered the words “ for me you were a pawn and for him………. You were a task” I don't know how but my heart skipped a beat. Task…. The only word I managed to grasp from this old man's mouth.

“what do you mean I was a task?” I asked controlling whatever emotions I am feeling right now. Hoping for an answer. An answer that could at least make me less pathetic.

“ you still didn't get it?” his amusement and the mocking laugh that followed after made my whole world collapse. I was tricked. Fooled. And betrayed.

My head buzzed. “ tie him up” I hear faint voices in my surroundings and I was again dragged to the same place, same position as before but again I couldn’t understand anything.
By the time I realized and came back to earth, one of them was trying to tie me. I used all my strength to escape the rope and punched him hard. It was unexpected so he landed on the ground but it was useless, right? I was surrounded by four guards.

“come on you guys can't handle a kid?” that old man scoffed and left.

“ you need a lesson boy” the guy I punched regained his posture while the remaining of them held me in place. “but on second thought… you look sexy I mean. I could have fun” he grabbed my jaw and came near my ear. Before he could do something I head-butted him. “shit!!” he groaned but then he gave me a hard slap. I felt dizzy.
“tie him!!!” I hear a shout before my eyes shut down completely.

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