chapter 20 (part 2)

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Joe pov

He laughed making his way towards me “should I check then?”

“wha.. what!


I looked at him in horror while he Bent down to my level “what are you…” I closed my eyes waiting for him to do something. His scent fills my nostrils, his breath fanning over my ear. I leaned into the fridge as he came closer. His hand brushed my elbow slightly before I hear some thing and then all the warmth vanished, leaving only coldness behind.

I opened my eyes to see him drinking water from a bottle. By each gulp his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. Two or three drops of water dropped from his lips to his jaw, neck and then disappeared into his shirt.

He was quite large and tall compared to my petty body. He could crush me with one hand.


I averted my eyes when he finished drinking and again steps closer to return the bottle to refrigerator.
But before he steps back, he pulled me to him by grabbing my waist. I gasped. Wide eyed, I stuck there with my hands on his chest.

“You are in the way pumpkin” he closed the fridge that was left open since I retrieved my chocolates and left. He just left. But I was here… stunned. My chocolates are on the floor.

But wait, he called me pumpkin. Pumpkin? Seriously? THIS OLD MAN!!!

Pete pov

It was evening, we finished our lunch at a simple restaurant and now walking in a little garden, while I am munching on my cotton candy. The fresh air makes me relaxed some how. This date is memorable cause Vegas spent most of the day with me. And that too without any sex and intimacy. Maybe he is still into the role of a stranger who is trying to flirt with me.


“hmm?” I turned to my husband who now was frowning.

“Don’t eat messily” he pointed to my lips. Oh! I wiped and licked my fingers cause the candy was all over my mouth.

“damn!”  he groaned. “you are seducing me honey” then he pulled me for a kiss. His both hands are on my waist, rubbing his hands against my skin harshly. My grip on cotton candy stick tightened as I feel my other hand tugged his collar.
“I will break my neck with your height” vegas laughed, then lifted me up, slamming me against nearby wall, my legs around his waist while he support my weight.
“Do you know how much I am controlling myself?” he said rubbing my thighs and whispered against my lips “I wanna fuck you right here”

There he goes....

Huh!! Who I am kidding? He is still my horny husband.

He dragged his lips along my neck, while pinching my nipples. “mm~ hubby…” I moaned throwing my head back grabbing his hair.
His large hands slid up my shirt, enough for him to see my chest. The cold air hit my skin making me shiver. Yet I feel hot all over by Vegas gaze.

Definitely, it was not our first time but I feel shy all over again like a virgin. His hungry tongue slid over my skin tasting it and biting occasionally.
I was breathing heavily and was trying to hold my moans while he continued to feast on me in public area. Any one could walk on us but I don’t have the heart to stop him. Instead, I was rubbing my self on him. All we had was his jeans and my shorts as barriers for our bottoms to get in touch. He opened his zipper and was ready to free his monster but his phone went off… halting his actions.

Frustrated, Vegas received the call with ‘what do you want?’ irritation was evident in his tone. We were in the same position so I could hear the other line responding. It was phi kinn. But I couldn’t hear what they were talking.
When the call ended, Vegas placed a kiss on my forehead. “we have to go home honey” he said caressing my cheek. I nodded. But my legs gave up when Vegas put me down. They are still shaking and Vegas chuckled.

“want my help princess?” I glared but let him carry me all the way long to our car.

Vegas pov

“Got any lead?” I asked as soon as I entered the meeting room. Kinn said it was important. So I assume it was related to that fucker Prem.

“yes, we found his location. He is in Japan” kinn informed.

“then why the fuck we are waiting here? Let’s get started and get that fucker” I yelled.

“Vegas!!” kinn whisper yelled pointing something with his eyes. And when I followed, I found Joe nervously looking at me.

He was afraid.

I can’t blame him. He was just a kid like macau. I would never allow macau to do such thing but here I am throwing Joe into the hell just so I could catch that prem.
Joe was raised by pete’s father as his own son. So he is just like pete in many things except for his blue eyes.
I sighed, looking back to porsche. He got the hint and walked to Joe bending to his level “joe, are you really okay? I mean…to be a part of this mission?” porsche asked softly. The boy looked up at him. “you can say ‘no’ if you want. You know that right?” and Joe nodded.

“I will do it” he said making Porsche taken a back. The boy was brave indeed.

“so we will go Japan tomorrow” I declared. I know I am being an asshole but I will protect joe with all my might. For pete.

When I reached out room at night, pete was half asleep on the bed. I took a quick shower and contemplated whether to take the couch or bed. I can’t sleep if I sleep on the couch. I laid beside pete on the bed, hugging him from behind.

“did you lie?” I asked when I notice that he was still awake somehow.

“what?” he asked confused.

“on our first night, you said you can’t sleep without someone hugging you but now you are sleeping peacefully while your hubby was struggling on the couch. Is that a lie?”

“that was true I can’t sleep without someone hugging. So I slept with phi khun always. Between why would I lie?” he asked smiling.

“I don’t know. Maybe to hug my well but body?” I smirked.

“Oh! No thanks. You can sleep on the couch” he said sassily after hiding his blushed cheeks.

“noo!! Please honey. You know I can’t sleep without you” I whined hugging pete  more tightly. He chuckled before giving into my embrace.

Third person pov

Alex! The only one he wanted not to encounter but why God always does the opposite to what we want. He encountered alex in the meeting room when he was searching for Joe. Now he regretted ever getting into this room.
He was trapped between the door and Alex’s massive body. “let go of me” macau frowned.

“I am not going to” Alex made himself clear when he said that macau was his’s.
“And I will never let you go” he said sternly making the younger roll his eyes.

“Then don’t” the younger whispered slowly dragging his finger on Alex’s lips. Macau teased him until his finger stopped at Alex’s chest. Alex followed the finger but Mac’s milky legs caught his attention making him stare at those longer.

“Look here darling” macau made Alex look at his eyes by lifting his chin. The nickname made Alex excited.

“Well, by any chance, are you seducing me mac?” Alex asked amused, when Macau made Alex sit on the chair and sat himself on his lap.

“is it working though?” mac asked innocently pouting. This made alex gulp.

“Fucking yes” Alex breathed. The younger was not letting him touch. But was teasing with his lips almost touching the skin but never actually kissing.
Alex wanted nothing more to pounce on the little boy then and there. But he knows better than to complicate things more than they already were.

So he waited patiently closing his eyes for the boy to give him what he wanted. At least a kiss. But the boy stood up abruptly making Alex flutter open his eyes.

“well, I will take my leave then Mr. Alexander versin” macau walked away leaving Alex with his erection.

“damn!! he is such a tease” Alex whimpered trying to control his junior.

Okay!! I am being a bitch nowadays right? Always late with the updates

But can't help it 😭

I wanna hear your thoughts on the chapter so please comment guysss

Love you all bubbles ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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