chapter 20 (part 1)

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Third person pov

After the meeting Alex followed macau to his room. No one noticed to his luck otherwise who knows what would happen. When he opened the door, macau turned around saying “Joe drop that ide-“ but his words stuck when he saw Alex locking the door behind him.
“What are you doing here?” He asked sternly. Alex walked few steps then stopped when macau raised his hand for him to stop. “Stop where you are”

“Mac listen”

“What’s there to listen? I know every damn thing” macau wanted to shout and not to mention his temptation to kill Alex.  But he don’t want to alert his family.

“You know everything and still you are mad at me?” Alex asked puzzled like it wasn’t the dumb question.

“What do you expect? For me to kiss you when you faked your love? And left me there with that old man to suffer?” mac gritted his teeth.

“you misunderstood. I left you there cause I know he would release you but I didn’t know that asshole’s plan then” Alex remainded himself again to destroy everything that hurts mac.

“what difference it would make?” Mac scoffed. “you still betrayed me and my family”

“I never betrayed you” Alex locked his eyes with mac’s but Mac still looked angry and pissed off “may be your family but not you. I have liked you from the moment I have laid my eyes on you and going to make you mine whether that mission passed or failed.

Macau was taken a back by his confession but Alex still needs to learn his lesson. Mac was not ready to trust his words. He is not going to fell for his trap again.  “fuck off” he groaned and pushed Alex outside when he refused to go.

“you are already mine mac” mac heard Alex yell from the other side. He touched his heart to feel his rapid beats and his eyes catch that tattoo on his wrist “bastard” he whispered.

Pete pov

The next day when I woke up, the bed was empty. I thought vegas would have slept on the couch but it was empty as well. Slowly I made my way to the hall only to witness a mess. Flower mess to be exact!!
There are bouquets all over the hall. “Peteeee look, what Vegas have done” tankhun whined and I got the hint on what’s happening. Vegas sent flowers but where is he? “Oh here, that idiot wanted you to read this” tankhun handed me a piece of paper that reads ‘waiting for you at lk park, come before noon honey😘” I was flustered with his kissing emoji that he draw at the end. I must admit That his drawing sucks.

Third person pov

A pair of lips trembled when a thumb caressed it. And before he can react that thumb was replaced by lips, forcing the other to open the entrance. His hands tried to push him off but the latter was as strong as hulk. His fruitless efforts continued until he felt a tongue entered his mouth. It was ecstatic. The taste of alcohol, the strong perfume smell and the endless kiss made him breathless.

By each passing second, he felt more and more suffocation. His hands felt too weak to push or even tap on the latter to let him know his discomfort. And when it became too much to handle he gathered all the strength and……….
And opened his eyes. He was gasping for air, with sweat dripping all over his body. He rubbed his heart as if to calm it ‘it’s a dream Joe” he muttered. Then his fingers traced his lips ‘did he not remember it at all?” It was the same question he was asking himself after that particular night.

He don’t know what came to him that he decided to part of that mission. Honestly, he thought he could help his uncle who treated him like father. Atleast, he can repay him like this.
“Joe come on wake up”  he heard a knock followed by someone calling him. Macau. Within short span of time the two managed to become friends. May be because they are of similar age group. He could remember macau rants when he revealed his decision to became a prey as Alex mentioned.

Joe wondered if macau has any previous grudge over Alex. Because the boy almost killed Alex with his tantrums.
When he opened the door macau was waiting for Joe to have breakfast.

Vegas pov

I finished my part in plan and headed to park that I he asked pete to come. Although kinn had his eyes squinted, he didn’t questioned anything.
What? I have a wife too man. Don’t look at me like that.

I know pete would love simple things so I planned this fun date rather than taking him to high priced restaurants. He would love food but the food cooked by him was way more delicious. I informed the guards to escort pete when he is ready.

After waiting a few more hours pete arrived and I offered him my hand after opening the car door. His slender fingers entangled mine, he stepped out smiling, he is cute in his blue tea shirt and…. My eyes lowered all the way to his shoes. Is he wearing shorts? That too very short. Too revealing. I gulped. Pete was like this before marriage. But he was always a kid to me back then. But now…

Come on Vegas. Be a man. Don’t ruin your date by dirty thoughts.

The kids in the park was energetic enough to annoy me but pete was enjoying. Playing with them without a care in the world. He smiled heartfully around them. Will he smile like that with our child? The thought of pete carrying our child with his round belly crossed my mind. But that could wait for now. I have protect him first. Deal with Prem first.
He looked at me still smiling and I returned. The world seemed to stop around us, everything was blur except pete and his smile. He extended his hand pulling me into his joy.

Joe pov

Macau went to his room after breakfast while I buried myself in fridge for my chocolate. I was contemplated choosing which flavor to eat while still bending down with my head almost into the fridge.
But I felt someone behind me so I held both chocolates in each of my hand and turned around. He was staring at my legs. Like eye fucking? Wait!!

“are you looking at my butt?” I shouted.
But this pravat guy steps a bit closer and said “don’t think too much. Your butt is so small that it will fit in my hand. I am not interested”

“you!” my words are stuck in my throat. How dare he say that? “how did you know? There are not small” I protested and gave him a challenging look.

He laughed making his way towards me “should I check then?”

“wha.. what!”

Guys I am not feeling well now so iam making this chapter two parts

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