don't stop me*

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thought you deserved a second chapter this week for putting up with my love for cliffhangers 🫶🏻

enjoy x

'Are you okay?' Emily asked.

You lifted your hand to your towel protectively, pressing it against your chest as you looked at her.

You nodded before swallowing anxiously.

I just want to be comforted.

Emily stood at the end of your bed as you stood at the end of hers. At first she was trying to read you. Her face was concerned as she searched yours, before she watched your eyes drop to her lips. When you looked back up she had tilted her head slightly to the side, her lips parted.

You could tell she was questioning you with her eyes: I hope you know what you're doing.

Before you had time to answer verbally you were lunging towards her from across the room.

The moment you took a step forwards, Emily did too, your bodies clashing quickly between your beds as your lips connected messily.

Your hands grabbed erratically around each other's faces as you side-stepped and guided Emily's body round in circles.

Once her back was to the bed, you pressed your body into hers as she moaned into your mouth, stumbling backwards until the bed hit the back of her legs.

You pulled away from the kiss to push her down onto the bed, her body landing upright as she looked up at you from the edge.

You dragged your towel up to your hips as Emily stared down at your legs, before you knelt a leg on either side of her and pulled her chin up towards your face.

You dropped your hand to her neck softly, wedging it between your thumb and fingers as you studied her face. She looked down her strong nose at you as her hands gripped your ass through the towel.

'Are you sure you want to do this?' She asked as you softly pulled at the middle of her shirt at the top of her chest.

'Don't do that.' You replied, pulling each corner out to reveal more of her chest. 'Don't stop me.'

'Okay.' She agreed immediately. 'What do you need?'

You dropped your hand to her blazer.

'Take this off.' You said, tugging at it.

Emily brought her hands from around you and pulled her blazer off, tossing it behind her as you undid two of her shirt buttons. When the third was being difficult, you impulsively grabbed both ends of her shirt and tore it open, Emily's breath catching in her throat as you did.

You leant back slightly and stared at her chest... at her plum lacy bra and her perfectly propped breasts.

You took your thumb in your mouth, letting some spit fall from your tongue onto the tip. Emily watched as you brought your thumb between her collarbones, dragging it down until you reached the middle of her bra.

Leaning into her neck, you reached around her body to undo her bra as you took in her musky scent. You dragged the tip of your nose up towards her ear as her bra clasp fell apart in your hands.

'Now...' you whispered into her ear, as Emily's grip tightened on your ass, '...fuck me.' You pulled back, bringing her bra round with you as you tore it away from her arms. You watched her breasts fall into place before you flicked your eyes back up to hers. 'Hard.'

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