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"Pass the berries."

Genevieve did as Ray said and watched with no small wonder as he topped the two servings of creme brulee with mixed berries.

Thirty minutes after Ada did her disappearing act, Raymond joined her at the sundeck and mentioned he was craving the desert. When she suggested the chef make it, he refused and instead sent a list of what he needed.

Now that Ray was done baking, Genevieve couldn't believe her eyes. Not only was this man a workaholic, but he could also bake and was insanely efficient as he went about it. He left no mess—the opposite of Lisa's maniacal cooking.

"You think you'd be able to make it on your own?" Ray asked as he washed his hands.

"Umm." Nah. Genevieve had been too awestruck by his oiled kitchen mastery to remember she was supposed to watch and learn. Dude even gave explanations while at it in his deep voice. 'You split the vanilla bean like this... whisk it like this. You get me?' Far gone in swoonland, she still managed to nod here and there.

"Sure, I bet I can."

Ray shot her a dubious look. "Why don't I believe you?" Wiping his hands with a towel, he leaned against the lip of the counter and faced her fully. His black shirt was a tad too form-fitting if you ask her. "We still have some ingredients left. How about you give it a shot and see whose tastes better? I bet I'd win." He added with a chuckle.

Genevieve mentally bit her knuckle. That smile still packed a punch. She was struggling here, splashing about in a useless attempt to stop herself from falling deeper for Ray than she already had. Was it silly that her mind was already painting pictures of evermore, complete with flourishing meadows paved with creme brulees, cakes and every conceivable delectable dessert she could convince him to make?

Genevieve didn't need to taste his creme brulee to know it would be decadent. She had watched him make them, but she'd rather fall into a dead faint than admit that he looked like he knew what he was doing.

Rolling her eyes, Genevieve shook her head. "I'd take the challenge." She looked from the yummy-looking desert to his smug face. "It may taste awful. What if you got a step wrong?"

"Why don't we find out?" Ray asked with a confident smile. "Sit." He nodded at the stool in the kitchen dining area before sliding the desert between them and sitting across her.

"Ready?" He asked as he passed Genevieve a teaspoon.


Genevieve marvelled at how far removed Ray seemed from the stuck-up boss she worked under. And she was way more relaxed in his company even though her attraction to the man was MMA-heavyweight-champion strong now. Sheesh.

Grabbing his spoon, Raymond clinked it twice against the rim of the small ceramic bowl like some ritual before digging in. After taking a spoonful, he shut his eyes and allowed a small smile. "Yep. Craving answered."

More than amused at his reaction, Genevieve dug in, her spoon cracking the delicate caramelised top. One spoon and she was wrapped in heavenly sweetness. The way the flavour melts. Come on! This was unfair on many levels. She took another spoon and another, and another... and her bowl was empty? She stared at the bowl with a confused frown. "Why is it so small?"

Genevieve looked up in time to catch Ray's proud grin.

"Why did you inhale it?" Ray asked, the grin still in place. "We savour desserts, not gobble them up."

"Fine. I'll say it." Genevieve raised both hands and shrugged. "You're a creme brulee god."

"I already knew that," Ray said with a shrug of his own and that smile. "I had to win something. You already had me at the chess game and turned me into your photographer."

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