He Is Not That Awesome

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"It was a disaster. My chance to make a good impression was destroyed." Genevieve groaned in mortification as she pushed the shopping cart down the baby product aisle, picking random toys as she went.

"Nah, it wasn't."

"You think so?" Genevieve stopped and focused on Maria.

Maria puffed a breath as she reached for a colourful rattle, her pregnant belly pressing against the rack. "Look, I was there, okay?" She dumped the toy in her cart and began to chuckle as she faced Genevieve. "I heard every stammer, every stumble over your words." Maria's chuckle grew to a full-bellied laugh. "My God. Girl, I thought you were prepared? What was that? At the sight of a fine man you just... poof."

"It had nothing to do with him." Genevieve huffed and resumed pushing the cart. "I'm not doing this with you. Meet me at the cashpoint."

So far, Genevieve had gotten a few toys, feeders, and heavy-duty post-delivery sanitary pads. Stopping at the mall straight from the office was Maria's idea. She hadn't let Genevieve breathe until she agreed to help her shop for the baby. Talking about discounts on some baby products. As expected, Maria came with a list that went for days.

It was 7:08 PM and Genevieve was already beyond exhausted. As she pushed the shopping cart, the memory of the meeting pressed in like a bad dream making her cringe and pray for death.

She shivered in embarrassment. Maria wasn't wrong to laugh. Her performance today had been prime standup comedy gold. What killed her was the possibility of others finding out the reason behind her uncharacteristic klutz-like behaviour. She would die if they found out the new boss was the reason.

And Maria. She wouldn't let her rest. When it came to him, that woman was a hound–a chubby love is such a blessing hound. Wiggling her brows at Genevieve whenever he passed by, nudging her when the staff talked about his latest achievement. Always finding a way to bring him into the conversation. The absolute worst was when Maria told her to shoot her shot just mere seconds after he passed by their table at the cafeteria.

Genevieve groaned. Maria was terrible at giving relationship advice but she had to applaud the woman. She applied all her wacky methods when she was dating Dave. And surprise, surprise, it worked. Dave had the misfortune of being her husband.

Back to the disaster meeting. Genevieve had her presentation sorted out. Blueprints, layouts, every number in place. Then over-sabi Mark from Trust and Safety pointed out a tiny flaw in her report. It was at that point the boss walked in. Well, not walked in per se, he kinda leaned against the door frame and gazed at the gathering like a broody god observing a less-than-average creation.

She hated that she couldn't get used to her new boss's looks. Superficial much, Genevieve. Face-palming, she shook her head. It was this kind of behaviour, falling for looks first and ignoring red flags, that got her in trouble in the past.

Raymond Dominic was strangely alluring, and his stoical keep-your-distance air only seemed to pump more fuel into her silly crush for the man. Since he took over two weeks ago, Genevieve noticed he never smiled with the staff or tried to be remotely friendly. His speech at his welcome dinner had been brief, straight to the point, and clinical. Despite his intense Batman aura, Genevieve was still stupidly smitten.

When over-sabi Mark observed the boss was watching, he became a shark. He wouldn't stop yapping about her small oversight. Oh please, a little think-tank with the Trust and Safety team would have solved that but Mark wouldn't let it go. Then Raymond had chosen to focus on her at that point. Becoming a stammering dolt happened by default. And that wasn't the only time she exhibited such appalling behaviour. Whenever she encountered the man, she was either in an awkward situation, or the ability to form cohesive sentences would suddenly abandon her.

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