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Genevieve groaned as she sat up. She raised a hand to her temple, massaging the spot as she glanced around. Why was she in Lisa's room?


Genevieve flinched at the sound of the voice. It was the same kid with the same dungarees and the same grin. All that happened wasn't a dream; she was really seeing things—she was really going crazy. The girl said her name was Ada, right? She made calming hand gestures as she tentatively approached the foot of Lisa's bed. "I want you to calm down."

This isn't real. No way. Genevieve drew her legs to her chest and blinked hard.

"I know I am adorable and all, but it would be smart to tell no one you can see me." Ada rubbed the back of her neck and shrugged. "They'd probably lock you in a psych ward if you do that."

It was impossible to stop staring. The girl looked harmless. Small body, large brown eyes–eyes that had now taken a wide imploring look. She wrung her fingers and pouted. "Say something."

"Lisa!" Genevieve craned her neck and yelled instead. "Lisa, where are you?"

The girl rolled her eyes and huffed, her pitiful look vanishing. "Now you've gone and become difficult. Have a swell time in an asylum." She floated away and settled into Lisa's furry bean bag. The chair didn't even dent under her weight. The sight was beyond disconcerting.

"You're awake." Lisa rushed over and snatched her into a tight hug. "Thank God! I was so terrified."

She leaned back and took in Genevieve's appearance with quick worried eyes. "You were out for minutes! You scared the hell out of me. I called everybody, even called your mum."

"Wait, what?" Genevieve scowled and pushed Lisa's arms away. "Why?" She pulled her languid body from the bed and staggered to her feet.

"I had to." Lisa's eyes grew teary. "You have no idea how worried I was. I fanned you, sprinkled water..."

More like bathed me. Genevieve looked down at her nightshirt and grimaced at its damp state. 

"Why didn't you take me to the hospital if you thought I was dying. But no, you had to go and call her." Groaning, Genevieve dragged a hand over her face. Two calls in less than 24 hours. Her mum would think she was dying.

"Well, sorry. I legit wasn't thinking. Panicked like crazy." At the sound of a ping, Lisa snatched her phone from the nightstand and began bullet-typing. Genevieve hoped it wasn't her mother she was chatting with.

Refusing to look in the direction the little girl sat, Genevieve walked to the door. She'd act like Ada did not exist. Yes, that was it. If she went on and on about seeing something others couldn't, she would either be bundled up to a psych ward or taken for exorcism at the suggestion of her crazy aunts. She shuddered at both possibilities.

"Why aren't you telling Lisa about me?" Ada asked from where she sat. Her voice now taunting. "Wasn't that your plan?"

"Shut it," Genevieve spat in reply.

"What?" Lisa turned from her phone and observed Genevieve with a lifted eyebrow.

Genevieve wove her fingers behind her neck and sighed to the ceiling. The little devil actually got her to sound a bit crazy. Choosing to act oblivious, she let her hands drop and equally raised an eyebrow at Lisa. "What?"

"You said something just now." Lisa glanced around with sharp, intelligent eyes. "Were you talking to me?"

"No, don't mind me. I still feel a bit woozy, that's all." Genevieve forced a laugh in a desperate attempt to appear at ease.

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