Your Tears Are Infectious

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Thirty minutes later, Genevieve was seated in her car, hands hugging the steering wheel and hot tears pressing to burst forth like water from a freaking broken dam. She shut her eyes tight.

Don't cry. I'd find another job. Don't cry

A tear managed to escape. Damn it! She swiped at it immediately. Stupid tears. Stupid job. Stupid everything.

She should stop already. The company and her former jackass boss weren't worth her tears or anguish. Besides, she still had her real passion on the side. No one could take that away from her. No one.

But her mind, it wouldn't let her rest, kept replaying those horrible moments in the conference room and how she could have handled the situation like an actual sane human being. Self-control was asking too much of her though. She wasn't involved in whatever shadowy nonsense they were trying to pin on her. Was she to just stand there and make no objections? It hurt her sense of pride and integrity that she'd even be associated with—

I don't care. I'm done.

Work for the past three months had been hell anyway. Her workload had tripled thanks to the new eager beaver boss. And fighting whatever stupid attraction she had for him was distracting.

Dying for some comfort, Genevieve dialled Maria. She had been on maternity leave for two weeks now.

Maria picked on the third ring. "How far?" her voice was muffled like she was stuffing her face with one of her many finger foods.

"Your girl just got her ass fired," Genevieve said with a sigh.

"What?" Maria gasped. "How? Why? What happened?"

Genevieve rested her head against the stirring wheel and shut her eyes once more. "They brought me before this committee, drilled the hell out of me. It was a struggle to get coherent sentences out. I was bombarded. They think I am a fraudster."

"Jesu! Fraudster ke?" Maria mumbled the news to someone in the background, probably her husband.

"How did this happen? But is that how it's done? No investigation, nothing-nothing?"

"I flipped on him," Genevieve confessed in a small broken voice.

"Flipped on who? Why are you whispering?"

"I called the boss a nitwit and told him to shove his employment."

There was silence at the other end of the line.

"Maria, are you there?"

Genevieve winced at Maria's sudden burst of raucous laughter.

"Nitwit? Girl, you are crazy. What was his face like?"

"I got fired. Use your imagination." Genevieve pouted.

"But this is crazy, sha. Like... he legit fired you. What the hell? Do you think his decision can be reversed? How will I cope in that big office without you? I'll miss your company so bad." Maria's voice grew thick as she choked on her words. "This is so awful..."

"Hey, babe, don't cry," Dave said in the background.

"I called you to comfort me and you turned on the waterworks. Stop crying already. You know your tears are infectious." Genevieve's throat grew tighter when she heard Maria sniff.

"I'm not crying jor." Maria's laugh was shaky. "We will get through this, right?"

"Yeah, we will." Hopefully. Genevieve puffed a breath.

"I have an uncle that runs a tech company at Ikeja. They rake in good yearly profits. One word from me and you've got the job. He is a happy soul and doesn't act like his staff are invisible. He's single too."

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