Chapter Three

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Hailey's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off and I immediately get up from bed, grabbing a towel and heading to the bathroom.

While hot water runs down my shoulders, I try to distract myself from the fact that I have to face Jonas today. 

I try to come up with something to say but im guessing that its going to take more than a simple 'please dont kick me out of the team"

Once im done with my shower, I pick out a pair of training shorts, hoodie and tie my hair up in a messy bun, when my phone starts going off. 

Katie McCard: Hey

Katie McCard: Im downstairs having breakfast with the others, why dont you join us?

Me: I'll be down in a few 

I grab my room key and head out of the door.  While im walking down the corridor towards the elevator, I try to prepare myself to face the others after yesterday.

Will they treat me differently?

I take a deep breath and head inside.  When she sees me, Katie gets up from the table, walking towards me.

"Morning you" she says and gives me a quick hug which I return.

"Morning to you too" 

Katie takes my hand, leading us towards the table where Beth, Jen, Steph, Viv and... Leah is sitting.

I take my seat next to Katie, feeling Leah's eyes on me the entire time. 

"Morning" I greet the others and they return it, some also giving me a hug.  Only Leah stays quiet in her seat, not speaking a word to me. 

Rude much?

"Who invited her here?" Leah finally speaks up, but it comes out more like a murmur, for only Beth to hear. 

Beth his Leahs leg with her knee under the table, shooting her a warning look while Leah grunts in pain. 

She's probably pissed that she has to see my face this early in the morning but then again I feel the same way. 

"I invited her" Katie replies with an expression I can't read.

"Whats gotten you in a mood?" I ask Leah with a smirk on my face. 

Leah stops eating her omelette and looks up at me, giving me a death stare.  I, on the other hand, cover my pancakes with lots of syrup. 

"Dont mind her, that's how she gets when things start smashing around her" Beth jokes whilst giving me a friendly wink. 

"Like her perfect reputation?" I ask while biting my pancake, unable to hide the satisfaction in my voice. 

Leah's face drops at my words.

"What would you know about that?" she asks, the suspicion in her face slowly turns to realisation.

"Maybe its karma" I shrug.

Leah's jaw clenches and I can feel her stare burning in my skin.  She probably imagining killing me in her head right now. 

"Just leave drop it Leah" Katie defends me, giving my hand a light squeeze. 

"Ah yeah... she took you to bed last night, I remember.  Is that how you managed to get in the team?" Leah leans back in her chair, he hands crossing in front of her chest.

"Leah!" Jen shouts from beside her and the other girls give her a disapproving look.

How dare she.

Leah has never been kind to me.  From the moment I stepped foot in London Colney, she's been nothing but cruel.  But this is low, even for her. 

"Fuck you!" I hiss at her, getting up to leave.

"You wish" she taunts and im glad im almost out of the door or I would not have been able to restrain myself from slapping that grin off her face.

***   ***

It takes me a while to gather myself together before I walk into this meeting with Jonas.  

"Hailey!" Jonas greets me when I walk through the door, "thank you for coming, please follow me" he says as he guides me towards a door.  When I walk in I freeze in my steps. 

Sitting in one of the chairs is Leah, casually scrolling on her phone. 

What is this? I guess Jonas forgot to mention that other people would be joining this meeting. 

I greet Leah but I remain in my place, not taking a seat, still confused with this entire situation.  I throw Jonas a quick glance, but he's wearing an expression that's telling me 'dont ask questions' so I dont push it.  

"Webster" Leah says as a way to greet me but doesn't look my way.  

Since when does she address me by my last name?

Jonas clears his throat, giving me a warning look while he also sits down. 

"So, why am I here?" Leah asks impatiently like it's killing her that im seated next to her and would rather be anywhere else but here right now. 

"We called you here because of the behaviour we've seen from both of you on and off the pitch, which is unacceptable". Jonas begins and I get a feeling like I want to defend myself but decide against it. 

"Which means?" Leah asks, pretending to be clueless, like her tackling me on the pitch wasn't intentional at all but just an accident. 

"You have got to stop fighting each other on the pitch, the media is starting to pick up on it and it's not looking good for either of you" Joan clarifies. 

"That's not a problem for me but it seems like Leah here has different plans, like for example getting me injured" I try to say as calmly as possible, earning a small chuckle from Leah, making me feel irritated.  

"Point is, the media is not over what happened between you during the match" Jonas says, ignoring the comment I just made. 

"You have to prove to them that you're here to race, not to make a show out of yourselves" Jonas says which is meant for both of us, but he's only looking at me.

"You should tell her that" I turn my head towards Leah who is looking at her watch, not slightly entertained by all of this. 

"Dont start with me Webster" Leah says, her voice filled with annoyance and I can't help but roll my eyes. 

"This behaviour of yours" Jonas waves his hand between me and Leah, "is sinking our team six feet under"

"I have discussed this with HR and we've decided that if you dont behave, we are going to have to take measures in to our own hands" Jonas says while locking his hands on the table/

"But for now, while playing, both of you will stay out of each others ways" Jonas continues. "Im serious, no touching!"

"Trust me, I wouldnt touch her even if you paid me to!" Leah says while getting up from her seat and leaving. 

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now