Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Hailey's POV

Its only once I am inside my hotel rool, when I allow myself to let it all out. Everything that's been building up inside of me in the course of the last few days.

Once the shock and disbelief have finally washed out, I feel this wave of sadness rush throughout my entire body, making my eyes water and my legs shake as I stumble onto the floor, my back reasting against the door. Salt streams rush down my cheeks as I pant uncontrollably, not able to breathe normally.

It cant be true... it cant be her...anyone but Leah.

Leah with her stupid cocky attitude and with those stupid green eyes.

Even the image of her makes my stomach twist, my eyes pinching harder together as if that will get her face out of my head.

A thousand thoughts go through my mind, my heart racing, spinning, thinking, trying to figure it all out.

How did she manage to fool me? Were there any signs I didn't see?

It all made perfect sense. Why wouldn't it? We were enemies for god's sake. Since the beginning, she had only shown hatred for me. Why did she switch up so fast? Why was she suddenly playing nice? And the worst part it, I thought she was being genuine.

I was a fool for trusting her, for letting my walls down, for giving myself to her.

'You just don't seem to get you're not wanted here'

The words Leah once told me invade my head, repeating over and over again. Taunting me. I shake my head, trying to get her voice out of my head.

'Nothing is more important to me than winning'

Nothing. That's exactly what I am to her. And I was stupid for believing her when she said otherwise.

My nails dig into my palms and suddenly, the sadness inside of me slowly turns into anger, as if a fire inside of me was just lit.

She never wanted me here. She wanted to beat me... be better than me. She wanted me gone. Out of the way. Nothing standing between her and her great victory. And she managed to get what she wanted since the beginning, to destroy everything I had worked for, with only a piece of paper.

There's just one thing that doesn't add up. And if she was planning on getting me off the pitch then why not do it right away? Why accept Jonas' deal?

Why play with my heart just to rip it out of my chest in the end?

Or was that all part of her cruel and twisted game... make me fall for her? Make me suffer?

If I knew that this had been her plan all along, I would have begged her to twist the knife she had plunged into my back a bit sooner, so it would have hurt a little less right now.

Though I doubt It would have hurt any less.

Thousands of questions linger in the air, all going unanswered as I taste the metal taste of blood in my mouth, not having realised that I was biting my inner cheeks. No. Its not the taste of blood in my mouth. It's the taste of betrayal.

Leah Williamson you fucking coward.

I tug at my hair, my line of vision blurry because of all the tears that seem to be falling.

All along, she had me wrapped around her little finger. All along, I was at her mercy. Everything was all a lie. All of her words, all of the things she said- a big messy lie.

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now