Chapter Thirty-Four

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Hailey's POV

I whimper against her mouth, taken aback by her actions but immediately respond to it, to her touch. Leah slightly bites my lower lip, making a moan escape from my mouth as my hands run through her messy hair, pulling her as close as possible to me.

"Leah" I say and she breaks the kiss apart, her forehead lying on top of mine, "are we still pretending"

She shakes her head no.

"How do I know... that its not just pretend?" I whisper, scared to let myself feel more for her than I already do, scared that she'll change her mind or the way she feels about me, "that you're not pretending"

Leah takes one of my hands and places it over her heart, her eyes never leaving mine, "can you feel how fast its beating?" she asks and I feel her heart beating fast, like its about to jump right out of her chest, "this is all you"

There's nothing but sincerity in her eyes and it feels truly unreal to me that I have this much affect over her, that I make her feel the same ways that she makes me feel.

I crash my lips with hers, not wanting to be far away from her anymore.

"I'm giving you one chance" she says out of breath between kisses, "to push me away"

I kiss her harder instead.

"I'm giving you a way out" Leah gently puts her hands on my waist, not knowing whether to go all the way or stop.

Everytime there was something about to happen between me and her, I've held back, but I cant do it anymore. Not having felt her touch for so long has been pure torture.

Im done fighting it, im don't fighting the possibility of us.

"I don't want it"

"What do you want?" she demands.


It only took one word from me for Leah to crash her lips back with mine and I immediately pull her towards me as I slowly walk backwards, until the back of my knees make contact with the bed. Leah pushes me softly on the bed and towers over me with her eyes filled with nothing but lust before leaning down eye-level with me.

"God, you are so beautiful" she says and crawls on top of me, my back meeting the cold, white sheets as Leah cages me with her body, nowhere to escape. She starts by leaving a trail of kisses down my neck, getting me worked up as every kiss she leaves gets a little sweeter.

Her shaky hands sneak under my shirt, drawing little circles on my waist. The way she kisses, the way she touches... she seems to know what she's doing, she seems to know just the right way to please me.

But I wish I knew the ways to please her too.

"Leah?" I whisper as she leaves little nibbles on my neck which are bound to turn into bruises tomorrow.

"Yes baby?" she stops to look at me, "If you've changed your mind-"

"Can I touch you?" I ask shyly, my hands gripping on her shirt.

Leah smiles against my lips before kissing me again.

"Never ask for permission to touch me" she takes off her shirt in a swift movement and then places my hands on her chest, "I'm all yours"

I pull her by the neck, kissing hr more eagerly this time as one of my hands runs down her back, her muscles clenching under my touch. As Leah lies between my legs, I wrap them around her waist, pulling her closer to me, our bodies becoming one. I can feel every little touch combined with every little kiss she presses hard against me, making her moan.

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now