Chapter Forty-One

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Leah's POV

1 month ago

"We should go out tonight, celebrate the win" Beth says once we come up to her door, "once you're feeling less grumpy" she teases making me roll my eyes at her.

"Im not grumpy" I say, trying to lose the angry look on my face.

"Nope. You're just a ray of sunshine"

"Fuck off Beth" I push Beth playfully, turning to walkaway when she calls my name.

"Leah" I stop in my tracks to hear what she has to say, "I know you don't need me to tell you this but... maybe you should avoid turning the pitch into a fighting ring"

I sigh, rubbing my eyes in frustration.

"Alright mum, I'll stay out of trouble"

"No, seriously" Beth leans against her door, "not even five minutes later after your interaction with Hailey and you were on every front new page possible. That's not doing any good for your reputation"

My jaw clenches and I try my best to shove down the feeling of guilt creeping up on me when I rethink of the events of earlier today. Not my finest hour as a footballer.

"You think im doing this on purpose?" I scoff, "if you knew what she was like you'd totally understand"

"I know what she's like" Beth raises one of her eyebrows, "she's been here with us for a while and I cant see whats about her that you cant stand"

I give Beth a glare.

"What? She's sweet and talented. I don't see what your problem is"

"God, not you too!" I cross my arms around my chest annoyed, "she absolutely infuriates me and that dog that follows her around everywhere doesn't help the situation"

"Who?" Beth asks confused "Katie?"

I shrug.

"Come on Leah" Beth shakes her head disapprovingly, "when are you and Katie going to stop this whole war you've got going on?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I smile sarcastically.

"Is this what the whole 'I hate Hailey' thing is?" Beth goes back to standing upright, "you're taking the anger you have for Katie out on her?"

"I never said I hated her" I say and its Beths turn to glare at me, "I just don't necessarily like her"

"I don't like her my ass" Beth scoffs, "then what is it?"

I furrow my brows and my face mirrors the expression on Beth's.

"I just don't get why she's around Hailey 24/7?" I avoid Beths remark, putting forward the fact that I've never seen her without Katie by her side. For some reason I don't like seeing them together. It makes me feel mad, "don't you think its weird?"

"Don't make up fake assumptions Leah" Beth scolds me, "seriously stay out of it"

Being part of the public eye and a well known person like me, I know what its like when people create fake assumptions about you. It isn't the best feeling in the world, but I just cant seem to let this go. There must be more between those two that is kept away from the press.

"What am I gonna do with you?" Beth sighs, "get out of her now"

I greet my team mate before she heads into her room and I make my way to my room alone.

I struggle walking the few more steps, my body exhausted from today's game.

I sigh, clumsily pulling my key out of my pocket, impatient to get to the bed that's calling my name. But as im about to scan it, I hear laughter from behind me, gripping my attention. I take a quick glance at whats going on when surprise appears on my face. A few doors down from mine, outside in the corridor, there's Hailey and Katie... standing awfully close to each other.

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now