Chapter Twenty-Six

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I follow Leah as she walks towards the hotel's kitchen.

"What are we doing here?"

"I made a deal with the staff, I like to make my own meals. Perks of being the England captain... we're cooking our own dinner tonight"

"We? As in you included?" I ask with eyebrows raised.

"I can cook!" she says as she takes two aprons out of her bag, "and if you must know, I'm a good chef!"

"I'll be the judge of that. What can you even cook?"

"Pasta and... pasta" she says while leaning on the counter.

"Oh wow" I exclaim in a sarcastic way.

"Why don't you teach me a few recipes then bab-" she coughs, "Hailey"

"I would but that would mean we would be here all night" I say and take the matching apron Leah offers me, taking a look at it, "seriously?"

I point to the centre where Leah's face is printed and chuckle, "I'm not even surprised"

"It was gift from a fan" she states and I shake my head while giggling.

"Let me help you" I say and take the strings of the apron while Leah turns around, allowing me to tie a knot for her. She takes her hair with one hand, letting it fall over one shoulder.

As I'm tying the strings at the top, I become hyper aware of the way my fingers brush against her bare neck. I'm honestly taking my time with this.

"Are you done yet?" She asks and I hum in response.

"Lets start then" she says while opening a few of the cupboards, trying to find where all the kitchen dishes are.

"We're forgetting something" she then says, taking her phone out, clicking a few times before laying it face down on the counter.

A few seconds later 'Cant take my eyes off of you' starts playing in the background.

*** ***

"I cant cook without listening to music" Leah says over the sound of a song playing. I immediately recognise it.

"Could this get any more romantic?" I joke and Leah raises one of her fingers up, making me wait in anticipation.

I find a pot and fill it up with water, placing it on the stove. By the time I've done that, Leah appears holding a few candles she has just brought from her bag. She puts them down and slowly lights them. My cheeks lightly blush with the efforts she has put into this, bringing up my mood. Its making it all seem like we're a real couple.

"I didn't know you could be such a romantic" I laugh as Leah takes a fork out of the drawer, directing it to herself, pretending it's a microphone and turning the kitchen into her own personal stage.

"You're just too good to be true" she sings and takes one of my hands twirling me around, "cant take my eyes off of you"

Once I made a full twirl, I'm met again with a pool of green eyes. I try hiding my smile, turning back to adding the pasta into the pot.

"Sing with me" she says, "I can tell you know the song"

"Are you going to help me cook or not?" I ask her but she rolls her eyes at me.

"It can wait... come on, it'll be fun" Leah drags me by the waist, pulling me closer to her, "dance with me?"

"If you don't put that fork down, I'll be missing an eye tomorrow!" I say and Leah chuckles, putting the fork down and wraps her arms around my waist.

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now