Chapter Twenty-One

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I take a seat on the other bed that is mine and I stare at Katie, waiting for an explanation. 

"You were too busy off on your date with her to stick around and hear that there weren't enough rooms for all of us to have our own room so some of us have had to double up" Katie says laying down staring at the ceiling. 

"Right" I sigh but it comes out as if im annoyed. 

"If anything, I didnt expect you to show up at all" Katie sits up a bit, leaning on her elbows, "I thought you would be sneaking in to share with Leah"

Shit. What do I say to that?

I sit on my hands in order not to nervously play with my fingers as I come up with an excuse.

"She didnt offer you to stay with eher?" Katie asks suspiciously. 

"No, she did... I just refused"

"Why? Dont you want to spend time with your girlfriend?" she asks with an annoyed filled voice. 

"I was with Leah just now.  I dont have to spend all of my time with her"

"And you'd rather stay in a hotel room with me that your girlfriend? Katie raises her eyebrows.

"Your nice company" I shrug. 

Katie only looks at me, like she's trying to figure me out.  I look away, scared that with just one look she will be able to figure out all my deepest secrets. 

"Have you eaten yet?" she finally breaks the silence while I look through my suitcase for something to change into. 

As im doing so, I come across Leah's hoodie, the one she gave to me when we bumped into each other at the pitch during the night.  The hoodie I never returned to her.  I take a minute to ask myself why I even brought it with me but I can't find a reason as to why. 

I take it out of the suitcase and throw it on my bed to change into later. 

"No, I haven't eaten yet" I answer Katies question. 

"I'll order something downstairs" she gets up from the bed, walking towards the door, "I'll let you get changed"

Once im left alone, I walk into the bathroom, putting Leah's hoodie on which is huge on me and still smells like her.  I get ready for bed and I lay down, going to Leah's contact, unblocking her number before I forget to. 

Why do I think so much about her? Lately, Leah has invaded my brain, refusing to leave.  Im unable to do one simple, every day task without thinking about those beautiful green eyes.  What is wrong with me?

The hotel door opening interrupts my thoughts and Katie walks in with a box in her hands. 

"I got pizza" she walks closer "Is that alright?"

"Yeah it's fine" I say and grab the box when she offers it. 

"Aren't you going to eat with me?" I ask Katie, who has taken her previous place on her bed. 

"I already ate"

Katie literally went downstairs just to get food for me because I hadn't eaten yet, and she did all of it while being mad at me.  She truly must care. 

I start eating a slice of pizza.  Katie's gaze on me the entire time. 

"How could you forgive her so easily?" Katie asks and I almost burn my tongue, "after all she did to you?"

"Everyone deserves a second chance" I answer honestly.

It wasn't easy forgiving Leah but she truly seemed sorry for her behaviour and as long as she doesn't treat me like that again, there's no bad blood between us. 

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now