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Ever since his existence, Triton always knew what he wanted to do with the rest of his life.
Space was endless with secrets waiting to be discovered beyond the Kuiper belt.

He’s even heard that there are others like him as well.
Maybe he could make new friends and explore space together.

He glided alongside the Kuiper belt, a trail behind him due to his current speed.
He was always on the go, so may even mistake him for being on the run from something.

His long black coat flapped in the wind before he stopped, looking at a certain point of the Kuiper belt where the asteroids were much more open, revealing a path for him to take to the other side.

“Ah hah! Found you.” Triton grinned as he approached the entrance, looking around to see if there was anyone nearby.


He began to cross over the entrance, excited that he couldn’t wait any longer.

That was until he felt something shift around him.

“What the…?” Triton began to float backward, out the Kuiper belt towards his right.
He was unsure of what was happening around him.
Not only was he being pulled away from his course, but so was the area around him as well he noticed.

Asteroids and debris began to be pulled as well towards him in the same direction, the space rocks pelting against Triton.

“Ow! Shit-”
Triton winced as he looked, trying to avoid the asteroids as best as possible since getting hit constantly was not very pleasing.

Finally, he noticed how hectic this was becoming before he came up with an idea quickly on the spot. Triton grabbed onto an asteroid, huge enough to act like a platform to stand on to try and catapult himself out from whatever this force was.

He quickly placed his feet on the hard surface as he bent his knees, ready to launch himself forward.

“I can do this!”
Of course he knew he could do this. He was fast and this was nothing to him. He could easily break out from this.

With one final deep breath, he launched himself, ejecting himself out of this heavy force.
Well tried to…

“AGH!” Not only did Triton fail to break free from the gravitational force, but the extra force of him launching himself off the asteroid added even more power to being pulled back.

He managed to do a slingshot the incorrect way.

With one last effort, he tried to push himself free, trying his best to float away from this, but it was all for nothing.

He turned around to see where he was being taken to, only to be met with a large figure hidden behind some large rocks.
Those rocks began to get bigger and bigger and bigger and before he knew out, he crashed into them hard, knocking him out completely cold.

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