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"Ugh! Where did he go?" Jupiter mumbled as he glanced around the void of space, looking for any signs of the small 'moon'.

"Agh! Poseidon is going to kill us!" Saturn shouted in desperation while Uranus followed close, arms crossed at the front of his chest.

"Where did big brother go?" A small moon whined out as he was clinged onto Uranus' apron.

"Don't call him that, Halimede. He isn't your brother. He's a stranger."

"No he isn't!" Sao shouted, "Neptune told us he is!"

Uranus groaned. As much as he hated to admit it, he really was worried about looking for Triton.
Not like he cared for him, but more like he is doing it for Neptune's sake.

Who knows how he would react if his 'newest moon' is missing or worse...

"Where do you think such a small moon could've run off to?" Saturn spoke out as he kept looking around.

"Guys don't worry. We will find him. He couldn't have gone far..."

"Hey guys," A voice spoke from the other side of the belt. "What are you up to?" Mars peeked from the other side of the asteroid belt, almost as if it were a fence.

The giants turned over to face the rocky planet, "Huh? Oh, hey, Mars. Just looking for someone... Say you wouldn't have seen a moon pass these parts, would you?" Jupiter explained, hopping at least someone did spare a glance to where Triton had last run off to.

Mars raised a brow, "A moon?"

"Uhm well not to my knowledge," Mars explained which caused the others to groan out in desperation.

"But," Mars floated off, moving up the trail of asteroids before pointing, "I did hear some commotion coming from over there. It sounded like two voices."

"You sure it wasn't your moons?" Jupiter asked before Mars moved over to his left, revealing both Phobos and Deimos off in the distance playing rock-paper-scissors.

"Yeah. Whatever was going on in there sounded dangerous though, it seemed as if they were yelling and possibly fighting..."

"Poseidon is definitely going to kill us," Saturn sighed as he placed a hand over his face, trying to calm himself down.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Uranus shouted as he flew off, Neptune's moons hiding inside his apron pocket to avoid them from flying out.
"Thanks, Mars!" Jupiter said as he followed Uranus, Saturn following alongside him.




"Dammit. I ruined my chance to get some information out of that guy..." Triton growled before reaching a hand over to his wound, pressing down hard as he could feel the cold liquid pour out, staining his jacket and hand.

"Shit..." He mumbled as he glanced around, to make sure that weirdo didn't ambush him from behind.

No one was there.

Triton paused for a moment, "What are you so scared of that made you react that way...?" He mumbled to himself before the shift of gravity came closer.

The gravity shift scared it off, so should I be scared as well? No, it... it feels familiar... weirdly comforting.

Triton glanced back to where he last saw Ceres disappear off to before he noticed himself starting to get dragged towards the edge of the belt.


Asteroids began to float towards the edge as well which made Triton groan, realizing the situation he was in again. He shook his head and began to try and move away from whatever it was that was pulling him in. He wanted to escape, not escape and then get stuck with someone else.

Hell, whatever it was that was pulling him in could be much worse than Neptune.

He grabbed onto an asteroid as he tried to slingshot himself away but that was proving to be tricky as his path was constantly being bombarded with asteroids crashing into one another.

He did not want to be crushed which left him with the only option he was hoping he didn't have to go with.

He releases himself off the asteroid as he gently floats away, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth.

"Dammit... we are right back where we started, eh Triton?" He said as he furrowed his brows.

He was very much tired and very weak after that previous fight, but if he was being pulled into danger, he wouldn't hesitate to put up a fight.

He was going to get out of here no matter what.

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