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“Oh no!” One of the moons yelled as the others whimpered, unsure of what just happened.
Meanwhile, the planet stared blankly, unaware that his moon could possibly be dead.

Space debris filled the area of collision, making it difficult for anyone to see if everyone was alright.

It was all silent with the only sound being small pieces of rock clashing against larger asteroids.

Finally, the dust began to settle down.


“Geez kid you could’ve gotten badly hurt.”

Triton held the small moon tight, close to his chest as he had just withstood a hard blow to the back by an asteroid.

“Th-Thank you…” The small moon whimpered, looking like they were about to cry as they shook.

“Mgh…” Triton hissed from the pain as his body ached, screaming at him for any rest it could get. He had been through enough already and he just wanted at this point to pass out and not exist for a bit. He began to descend back towards the others, making sure he tried his best to keep himself stable and the small moon safe.

They seemed so reckless and so fragile…

Meanwhile, the other moons watched before pointing.
“They’re coming back down!”
“Thalassa is safe!”
“Hey, that’s not fair I wanted to be carried!” One of them whined.

Triton kept descending, just wanting to get there already and rest but it was still way too far.
“Mister…? Are you okay…?” Thalassa looked over at Triton with worry and fear.

“Y-Yeah… just…” Triton can barely keep his eyes open now. His vision was getting blurred as he shook his head trying to keep himself awake. Was he even tired or…?

His arms began to loosen a bit before he finally gave up, dropping both Thalassa and himself downwards.

Screams filled the air before Thalassa quickly regained her balance and floated above.
The same thing couldn’t be said about Triton as he spiraled downwards.

“He’s going to get more hurt!”
The moons panicked, unsure what they could even due to save their sibling.

That was until the planet cupped his hand and caught him, his body limp in his hand.
He looked down at him with a small sad smile as he poked him with his finger, trying to see how bad things were.

“Well, at least your core is still beating… I have to get this fixed…”
“Neptune? Is he going to be okay?”
Neptune turned around to see Thalassa floating next to him, still descending to meet up with the rest of her siblings.

Neptune hummed for a bit, blinking before he grinned.

“Of course he will.” He gave a thumbs up to which Thalassa smiled, sniffling a bit since she was so shaken right now that she was about to cry.

Her other siblings watched before they quickly approached her, comforting her.

Neptune stared at them before speaking, “Well I have to speak with Uranus now to see if he can help me a bit. Hey, how about we go on a trip together?”

Neptune’s moons stared at him with their big round eyes.
A trip to Uranus means…
A trip to see their friends!

“YAY LET’S GO!” They all yelled as Neptune giggled, “Okay okay!”

They were so excited since meeting with the other planets’ moons was rare and was typically only done during Sun trophy competitions in which they didn’t have much chance to talk with the others or play with them.

Besides Neptune saw it as a great way to get his moons distracted from the more serious things.

Neptune glanced down at his other hand, still seeing Triton passed out. He closed his hand around him but made sure he didn’t squeeze him too hard. He needed to hold him tight while he traveled as he didn’t want to lose him.

Neptune grinned as he looked down at his fist that held Triton.

“Well, we should get going now.”

Neptune’s moons were so eager and happy as they climbed on top of their planet, holding on to him. His gravity would keep them close, but just in case, he just wanted them to be close to him to avoid them wandering off or getting lost.

It’s not as if they would choose to leave, unlike someone.

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