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“Alright guys uhm… one, two, three…” Triton counted the moons as they sat down, floating in place.

“...ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen. Geez there are so many of you guys to keep track of…” Triton groaned as the moons chatted among themselves.

“Triton, what are we going to do today?”

“Well I’m glad you asked… uh…” Triton stared blankly, trying to remember his name. 


“Gala what now?”

The moons giggled to themselves, finding it silly that Triton has yet to learn the names of his quote on quote siblings.

Triton rubbed his temple as he sighed “Thirteen names to memorize… how the hell does Neptune keep track of all of you-?”

“Keep track of what?”

Triton launched himself forwards, startled from the voice coming from behind him.


“Neptune!” The moons shouted as Neptune moved his gaze from Triton towards his smaller moons.

“Heyo everyone, what is going on here?” Neptune stared down at his moons, seemingly taking notes on each one of them.

“Nothing… we are just…” Triton glanced over at his smaller companions.

“Triton doesn’t know our names!”

“Wha-” Triton scoffed, “There are thirteen of you and…” he stared at them, “You guys kinda uhhh look alike-”

The moons gasped, seemingly taking slight offense.

“How dare you!”

“Yeah! We look different from each other, right Neptune?”

Neptune was currently staring down at Triton who just shifted uneasily towards his left, trying to move away.

“Silly Triton,” he grinned as he picked him up with his fingers by the scruff of his jacket as Triton just hung limply, confused as he was placed in front of the rest.

“Just like you Triton, all of them are unique in their own ways!”

“Uh huh…?”

“Yep! You are now here with us forever so maybe you can spend the rest of your time getting to know them better!”

Triton turned to face the others who were listening and watching them while the others were seemingly playing patty cake.

Neptune noticed how unsure Triton was so he decided to give him a hand.

“Well you seem to be struggling with the basics a bit so I will try my best to help you.”

Neptune lowered himself as he picked up Triton and placed him on his shoulder. Finally he was at eye level with his moons and snapped his fingers before starting.

“Ahem. So here we have Proteus, Nereid, Larissa, Galatea,” Neptune began naming them at such a fast pace, pointing at each moon who gleamed when he called out their names.

Triton, however, was shocked at how fast Neptune was speaking and being able to identify and point out each moon from the group to him.

Triton quickly removed his shades to get a better look at each moon, while listening to their name being called out.

“Neso, Halimede, Psamathe, Laomedia,” Neptune kept going as Triton seemed to have already lost his place in connecting which moon to what name after the fifth moon.

“Sao, Despina,Thalassa, Naiad,” Triton seemed hopeless, regret in his eyes that he had to memorize all this information for what? Moons he doesn’t care about!? He was captured and forced into this for crying out loud!

“And S/2004 N 1!”

“Wait wha-?”

“Or Hippocamp for short.”

“Yeah that’s way better than that…”

Neptune smiled as glanced over to Triton who seemed to be trying to remember who was who again.

“Just hang out with them. Talk or play with each other and you’ll get the hang of it! You’ll see their unique personalities and features that differentiate them with one another…”

Triton nodded before Neptune turned towards him and whispered, “Their names are embroidered in their scarves and jackets if that makes you feel better.”


Neptune grinned.


“Well that’s everyone and everything.” He clapped his hands, “Have fun!” Neptune laughed as he picked up Triton and gently tossed him forwards. Triton screamed a bit at the sudden launch forwards before he slowed down and finally floated in front of the small children.

“How did you…?” Triton watched as Neptune floated off before realizing there is so much about Neptune that doesn’t meet the eye.

How did he calculate the force in launching Triton forwards towards his moons without causing them to crash into each other?

“Triton! Triton!”

The large ‘moon’ shook his head before coming back to the surface from his deep thoughts. He glanced down to see one of them pulling on his jacket.

“Uh yes… uh…?” Triton looked over to the other moons before glancing back at this one.


“I’m Neso! That’s Sao!” Neso called out from the group while the others giggled.

“Ay close enough! Am I right?” Triton shrugged with a slight grin before looking down at Sao.


“Can you tell us a story?”


“Please Triton!”


The moons chirped amongst each other.

“Ugh I need a break…” Triton groaned as he rubbed his eyes before an idea sparked in his mind.

He could kill two birds with one stone, whatever that meant.

“Hey kids, get over here. I have a better idea.”



“What is it?”

Triton grinned before clapping his hands together, “How about we all go and tell Neptune if we can go on a playdate with uhhh… Uranus’ moons!”

The small moons remained quiet, looking up at Triton.

‘Shit did I say something wrong!?’ Triton internally spoke to himself before he then noticed their eyes sparkling as smiles formed on their faces.


“Let’s do that!”

“You’re the best Triton!”

Triton let out a sigh of relief, scared he might’ve messed up his opportunity of losing the kids somewhere safe while he sneaks off with someone's help.

This was perfect-


Triton blinked before looking down to see Sao hugging his leg, a smile on his face.

Triton was about to shake him and even thought of kicking him off his leg, but he stopped.

They're just kids…

Finally, Triton lowered his hand and ruffled the small one's hair with a slight smirk.

“Very well then. Let's go and beg Neptune to let us have fun!” He raised his fist in the air as the moons jumped and shouted in happiness. 

“Well it’s now or never.” He said to himself.

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