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 "He should be around here somewhere..."
"What if he got destr-" Jupiter quickly covered Saturn's mouth, glancing over to the little moons who were peering out of Uranus' apron.

"So, who's going in there?" Uranus glanced at the asteroid belt before turning over to the other giants.

The small moons poured out of Uranus' pockets before floating towards the belt.
"Where are you?"
"Please come out!"

Their small voices called out, hoping to hear a response, but all they heard was nothing.

They began to get closer as if trying to enter the belt before Saturn blocked their way.
"I'm sorry little ones, but we don't need any more moons to go missing. Especially you little ones."


"Kids, it's too dangerous for all of you. Don't worry... we'll find him." Jupiter said as he turned over to face the Asteroid belt.

"Will he be okay, mister?"

"Of course he will-"

"Aah- Jupe, be careful!"


Uranus grabbed the small moons and backed away, leaving both Saturn and Jupiter close to the belt.

"You are pulling the asteroids towards us!" Uranus shouted, annoyed that he could've lost more of Neptune's moons due to Jupiter's careless mistake.

"Wait!" Saturn clapped his hands as he pushed Jupiter close to the asteroid belt.

"Wha- hey! Saturn what are you-!?"

"I'm using you as a magnet."


Saturn began to gently move Jupiter back and forth, pulling the asteroids out and checking them for any sign of a moon before moving on and doing it all over again.

Jupiter just let Saturn do his crazy idea as he realized that it was indeed working.

"Oh." Jupiter said in surprise as Saturn kept working.
"Wait! Something is coming close!" Saturn squealed as he held Jupiter by his shoulders.

Uranus was a bit skeptical as held the small moons close, holding them back in case they tried to dash off to look at whatever Saturn found.

Triton gently was pulled out of the asteroid belt...

Until he threw an asteroid at the gas giants.

"AGH IT'S AGGRESSIVE!" Saturn screamed as he pushed Jupiter forwards as he launched himself backwards towards Uranus.

"WHA-!? HEY-! Oh." Jupiter calmed down after the sudden shove only to see Triton in a beaten up state, holding another asteroid before dropping it.

"There you are!" Jupiter spoke out in relief as he moved his hands towards Triton, cupping him up in both hands as he moved him away from the belt and went back to the others.

"Satu, c-calm down..." Jupiter blinked at him, disappointment written on his face that he was scared of a small being.

"CALM DOWN!? THAT THING TRIED TO HIT ME-! Oh. Oh wait, that's the little guy. Hellooooo," He smiled and waved at Triton who just stared at him blankly.

"Well there we go, we found him and now we can calm down worrying about Neptune's wrath." Jupiter laughed a bit as he made his way towards Uranus, opening his hand up to reveal the moon.

"Triton!" Multiple voices chirped out as Triton was knocked backwards due to all the little ones jumping into his arms.

"GUYS! AUGH! G-GET OFF!" Triton shouted in pain as his arm continued to leak.

The small moons were quick to notice and floated off of him, looking at him worried.

"He's hurt again!" The moons whimpered around him as Triton just sat up, still holding onto his shoulder as Jupiter moved his hand carrying Triton closer to inspect him.

"Yikes... What did that to you?"
"Some lunatic..." He mumbled, a bit indecisive if he should even reveal who actually did this to him. Although Ceres did hurt him, he didn't want to throw Ceres under the bus like that.

"Seems like Ceres' work." Triton jumped at the mention of its name as Jupiter spoke.
"Yep, the bite marks seem exactly like the ones on the asteroids that escape the belt... eh, it shouldn't be a huge problem to get it fixed. Unless it gets infected."

"Heyo everyone!"

The three giants screamed as Neptune stood next to them, tongue sticking out.

"Are we having an adventure? Wow, you should've told me so I would've been well prepared." Neptune hummed happily, head tilting side to side.

"Hello!" Despina smiled wide as she waved, her scarf back around her neck.
"Despina! Hold up!" Titania weakly laughed as she stood next to her, the rest of Uranus' moons following.

"I found my scarf-! Wait... why is everyone sad?" She asked as the other moons looked at her and then towards Neptune.

Neptune noticed and smiled a bit before realizing Triton was sitting on Jupiter's hand, seemingly injured.

"What happened to my moon?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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