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Uranus growled as he saw the moon cower before him. He dares disrespect the equivalence of the sky!?

This was all over for this pathetic waste of stardust.

He finally rapidly lowered his hand, ready to strike him.

Triton was still shielding himself, waiting for any impact, but it never came.


Uranus' hand was inches away from Triton before he felt something grab his hand.

He tensed up before glancing backwards to see Saturn tightly holding his wrist before pulling it above his head.

"Let go of me!"
"What do you think you are doing-!?"

"Putting this bastard back into his place!"

Uranus struggled against Saturn's grip only for a much more powerful gravitational force to approach.

"Enough! You two!"

Jupiter pulled the two ringed planets apart as Triton finally began to open his eyes a bit, peeking over to where he heard the arguing only to be met with much larger planets.

He never knew how much bigger they could get.


"Why the hell are you interfering, Cronus!?"

"You can't just crush moons like that!"

"Oh? And look who's talking."

Jupiter glared at Uranus, "We aren't supposed to be crushing moons unless they are an outside threat-"

"He is a threat!"

Triton just watched the giants argue before deciding to flee. This was very overwhelming. He could make a run towards the Kuiper belt, but Neptune might catch him. So he should...

He was about to give up before turning towards the center of the Solar System, seeing a blinding light in the middle.

Even with his shades on, it was almost impossible to see. His eyes watered at how bright the light was. He squinted his eyes to try and block out as much light as he could before noticing another belt near the center of the Solar System.

Maybe that was his only way out of here.

There was hope...

It could help him hide in the meantime, especially from these violent planets.

Triton finally made up his mind and floated off, away from everyone to get some alone time and take a breather from the chaos that had just occurred.

As his journey continued, the temperature around him got hotter and hotter, making him very uncomfortable, especially for someone who has spent most of their time at the edge of the system and far away from this ball of fire that seemed to be staring at him?

"Uhm..." He ignored it and kept moving, still feeling eyes on him at all times.

He finally reached the asteroid belt and made his way inside, trying to avoid any other accidents with the asteroids.

"Finally, peace and quiet. Hm..." He looked around, noticing how quiet and empty it was.

"Way too quiet..." Triton mumbled as he moved around.

Maybe he could stay here now.

Away from danger.

Away from Neptune.

Away from-

Suddenly he heard loud, maniacal laughter coming from deep inside the belt. He tensed up and quickly turned around to see who it was or even what that was.

He heard more laughter before getting annoyed.

"Dammit... should've known those kids would've followed me. Ugh..." Triton pushed the asteroids out of the way as he glanced around, looking for the source of the laughter.

"Agh, guys I swear if this is a joke you are trying to pull off, it ain't funny. Get out of there 'cause I know I ain't saving any of you."

"Ceres needs no saving." The voice spoke out from the asteroid belt.

Triton tensed up and grabbed a nearby asteroid as he stared into the asteroid belt, holding it tightly as he prepared himself to throw it in case.

But what if it was the kids just playing a prank with him?

He couldn't be reckless and attack due to his fear and paranoia.

There is a 50% chance it's not the kids...

Suddenly the laughter got louder and much more chaotic as he heard something scurrying towards him. He raised the asteroid in his hand as he rapidly glanced around, waiting for whatever it was to reveal itself. He watched as some asteroids collided into each other, seemingly being pushed out of the way as the noises got louder and closer.

"HAHAHAHAHA," Triton saw a shadow coming towards his left and with his quick reflexes, he launched the asteroid towards the figure.

However, it collided with another asteroid and shattered upon impact.

Then the space was silent.

"...!?" Triton panted heavily, fear rising in his throat as he felt his core about to explode due to the adrenaline and fear.

Suddenly he felt his core drop.


Triton was imagining the worst and moved towards where the asteroid he threw collided.

"No no no please don't tell me..."

He finally reached the area and looked around, staring at the broken bits of the asteroid, only to realize it wasn't any of them.

"Oh stars..." He sighed in relief that it was just pieces of an asteroid and not any moon.

"Hehehe." The figure crept up behind Triton as he had his back turned to him.

Suddenly Triton turned around and launched himself towards the figure, grabbing him by their shirt collar.

"Who the hell are you?" Triton growled as he raised his fist, ready to knock the living lights out of this weirdo.

The figure was in shock as he stared at Triton in slight fear, realizing they had been caught.

Meanwhile, Triton glared daggers at the smaller figure.

"Answer me."

The figure stared blankly at him before a maniacal grin overtook his face, giggling before bursting into laughter.

Triton was caught off guard before he screamed in pain.

He glanced down towards his wrists, seeing their claws digging into his surface, cracks slightly forming as blue liquid began to leak out.

Triton winced, unable to get them to stop.

Suddenly the figure tilted their head to the side, their tongue licking up the liquid from Triton's wounds before glaring at him in his eyes.


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