13 Everyone Tries

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an: i dont like this chapter, and i didnt like writing it, but unfortunately it needed to function completely mechanically... so youll see why much later

"I am going to the inn, Jareth," Daraen called from the corridor, but his brother did not appear from around the corner as were familiar. "Jareth?"

Further down was his chamber, Daraen knew he could be heard. "I am going...!" he said loudly once more, to no answer.

It must be better this way. I suppose I needn't tell him if he will not spare the time to wake to his name. Daraen opened the door, silently by habit, and closed it all the same behind him.

The sun had hardly risen, and he doubted it would with the clouds of heavy falling rain. He locked the door, so Jareth would not worry after his disappearance, and set off. Although he could see the inn from across the town's square, he walked out of its sight and towards a home that faced inwards of the center. With his own father gone from the village, he worried little that his knock upon its door would be answered by any other than his intended.

Daraen glanced around once more. With the rain and lack of light, the market would be late, or perhaps not at all. He was alone in the square. Mirelle knew he and Jareth would be gone, therefore no one had need of him this morning. Daraen knocked once again, a little harder, but shorter.

The door opened, and Elif looked to him with a mild surprise. "Daraen?" he said, the name spoken with its perfect enunciation. "Aren't you to leave, today?"

"Yes." One had to raise their eyes to meet Elif's, for he had benefitted of a great height equal to his father's; the only kin he had in comparison. "Yes," Daraen repeated, for he had been silent in his observation. "Might I enter? The rain will soon worsen."

Daraen knew the question Elif would have wondered: You need stay so long that the weather will change? He felt a fool, but could no longer revoke what had been spoken.

"Certainly." Elif did not hesitate to move aside and allow Daraen's entry. The door closed, but was not locked; who was to intrude? Daraen decided it were not of his care. "I shall ask... Where is my pleasure of your visit due?"

It had been quite some time since last he were in Elif's house, and Daraen was distracted both by the home in its grandeur- when did they begin to collect, no- afford all of these... things? Daraen thought- and Elif's state of being. He was yet in his sleepwear, Daraen had never seen him so informal. Under-dressed, he thought, but hardly let it prod him. "I wished to ask after your inquiry."

"You will let me join you?" Elif said, a quick liveliness to his tone.

"No. I apologize, I only wished to know something that is perhaps self serving, and all the while insulting to my brother, but-"

"What of Jareth," Elif seethed his name. "Your brother does revile me as a spider does a fly. That must be all he sees me as, for what his perception is worth."

Such vehemence! Daraen was taken of the shift in his calm. "I would like to ask, then, about that. Him, and... yourself, I suppose."

Elif looked suspiciously to him. "What of myself?"

"Did he... favor you?"

Elif made a laugh caustic enough to nearly frighten Daraen. "Would that he did, I doubt you would stand here now!"

"How do you mean?"

"It must be my fortune that he tells you so little. You would feel similar to myself as he does."

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