26. Don't Go (Jacob Black)

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(Published February 19, 2024)

   Soft footsteps swished across the sand behind me, almost drowned out by the waves crashing into the shoreline.  Dark clouds floated low in the sky, almost as heavy as my heart.  I stared out at the turquoise waves, letting my mind twirl like it was caught in the stormy currents.  Thoughts, wishes, and dreams were tossed about, dancing around one another. 
   The footsteps came to a stop and he sank down on the damp sand beside me.  I didn't even have to look to know who it was.  Jacob always found me, no matter where I hid.  Then again, we had grown up together as good friends, so he had a lot of experience in finding me.  The fact that he could now track my scent probably helped him out, too.  
   "Don't go," I whispered. 
   He sighed.  "I have to."
   "No, you don't.  The whole pack is going.  You don't have to."
   "Summer, you know I do.  We're a team."
   It was my turn to sigh, only mine was a lot heavier.  The concerns I had were audible in it, and I knew he could hear it.  His pack didn't need to run to Nevada to fight vampires.  There had been plenty of fights in Forks lately, more than ever before.  And none of the other packs came here to assist us.  Yet they were going anyway, despite all of their mates' pleas. 
   "I'm sorry," He whispered, pulling me into a sideways hug.  "You know I hate making you worry."
   "I know," I sighed again.  "I could always go with you, you know.  Turn it into a vacation of sorts?  Like some couples do for business trips?"
   "As fun as that would be, I don't want you anywhere near the fight.  Suppose one of them is a mind reader and decides to track you down to get an upper hand on the fight?  I won't risk your safety like that."
   "Yet you're leaving us unprotected here?" I couldn't see the logic there. 
   "The young wolves will be here.  Seth, Colin, those kids.  They'll protect you girls for us." He pressed a kiss to my forehead. 
   "I'd rather you protect me," I mumbled softly. 
   "I'll be back in a week, if all goes well."
   That was exactly my fear.  Fights didn't go well for him.  He was the one who got all of the bones on one side of his body shattered!  He always was far too heroic, which ended badly for him.  His heroic tendencies made me love him even more, of course, but it also made worrying a lot easier. 
   "Look at me, Summer," He requested softly.
   I turned my dark eyes up to meet his.  He gave me a soft smile, running a thumb across my bottom lip. 
   "It'll be okay.  I promise."
   Sighing yet again, I tucked my face into his shoulder.  "Don't promise me that."
   "Why not?"
   "Because that's not a promise you can guarantee you'll be able to keep."
   He hugged me a little tighter.  "Yes, I can.  I'm going to play this one smart.  I'm going to come back to you, baby, I swear it."
   A tear escaped my eye, sliding down my cheek until it met his bare chest.  I wanted to believe him, but I was terrified of losing him.  He was the best thing that had ever happened to me.  He was my sunshine in this grey, drizzly state.  He was my best friend when I felt lonely and needed company.  He was my romantic boyfriend when we went out on weekends.  He was everything to me.  I loved him so much. 
   "I love you," He said softly.  It was as if he had read my mind. 
   "I love you, too," I replied. 
   "I'm going to take you out dancing when we get back," He stated.  "Dinner, dancing, and maybe a sunset walk beforehand.  Something fun to do after all that work, you know?"
   I pulled back to smile at him.  "It's a date."
   His smile returned.  He leaned forward and pecked my lips briefly before replying. 
   "I can't wait, baby girl."

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