Part 1

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Tanu: Y/n why are you being so boring today? talk naY/n: *cold stare* why are you being dumb as usual?? can't you see we're here in the college and also, we-Tanu: and also

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Tanu: Y/n why are you being so boring today? talk na
Y/n: *cold stare* why are you being dumb as usual?? can't you see we're here in the college and also, we-
Tanu: and also... we're not students! we're here for our seminar that's it! * Pouts angrily* and also you take all things so seriously
Y/n: yeah... because*looks at her coldly* we have to take all things seriously as we're not kids anymore we're doctors now also we have to be careful and serious.
Tanu: anyways*sighs* we're here let's see how many of them we get today*excited*
saying that Tanu rushed inside, and Y/n sighed.
A/N: so, this is Y/n Walia and Tanu Chaudhary. they both are Indian and moreover doctors. they both had so many friends but because of work in separate hospitals they also separated. Tanu has joint family while Y/n just has a mother. she lost her father when she was 9yrs in a road accident since then they both are alone...Yn is 23 where Tanu is 22, they share a year age gap. Tanu is bubbly while Y/n is strict and cold. She has a boundary of rules of her own around herself. Tanu and Yn work together fortunately, they got posted in same hospital that made their bond good and strong too... now, Yn entered in classroom.

Harman: wohoo! see who we got!! Ynnn!!*jumps*Tanu: yeah yeah! and you know she is still same! cold

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Harman: wohoo! see who we got!! Ynnn!!*jumps*
Tanu: yeah yeah! and you know she is still same! cold...
she said with bored face that made Harman chuckle.
Simran: Aish! Just being the same? wait.. you guys have same workplace?? *Tanu nods* woah!! we all have separate!!
Tanu: yeah.. and i kinda miss those days! *pouts*
Aru: BTW Yn.. say something *yells*
Yn: woah woah!! calm down your ass*coldly*
Simran: not fairrrr! *pouts*
Tanya: anyways guys where is Priya?? she is here or?
Priya: where will she go when all dumbs are here?
she said as she entered the classroom.
Yn sat on her seat not caring and waited for the professor.
Tanu: yah.. Yn.. see remember him? Rajiv
Yn looked at the one guy who was staring at Tanu.
Yn: yeah and what happened to him
Tanu: nothing... I just wanted to confess because its already so late*nervous*
Yn: obviously its too late what if he is married by now ??
before Tanu could even utter a word Rajiv came and called her which sent an unknown shiver to her spines
Rajiv: uh.. Tanu actually if you don't mind *shy*
Tanu: y-yeah*tries to act cool but she's fool*
Rajiv: i like you if you don't mind will you go on date?
He said in one breath and closed his eyes thinking she'll slap him or something but..
Tanu: yeah sure that's what I was about to say!!
Yn: *tiny claps* Happy Ending...
 i bless you with 1000 kids and always stay happy! *nonchalantly*
Tanu: this was sarcasm?? *raised an eyebrow*
Yn: ofcourse.. not i am happy for you both
Rajiv smiled and looked at Tanu shyly before holding her hand and kissing the back of it.. Tanu blushed.
Yn: ahem.. is it done? so the professor is here go and sit on you seats.. * Tanu sat beside her* why??
Tanu: seat was empty though! *frown*
A/n: Then they attended the seminar and the professor took his leave and honestly he was glad to have all of his old students together.. 

Priya and Tanu: woah! nostalgiaThey said as they entered the canteen

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Priya and Tanu: woah! nostalgia
They said as they entered the canteen. they sat on their usual seats where they used to sit back then..
Yn: they didn't change a bit! woah*smiles*
Yn: a Human do smile and I'm also a human! *scoffs*
soon yn's phone rang and it was from hospital.
Yn: Hello.. *usual cold tone*
Receptionist: Hello miss walia actually some doctors are here and they want to meet you.. They say they are sent by the department *paused*
Yn: hmm tell them to wait i'm reaching in 10 minutes.
Yn: *hungs up* so I'll be leaving some doctors are here 
Tanu: yeah then me too
Yn: no need Tanu you can enjoy.. *suggest*
Tanu: no if you need me then? *yn nods*
daying that they both bid them bye and came to the hospital. yn is the mian doctors and Tanu is assistant.

 yn is the mian doctors and Tanu is assistant

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Yn: where are they? *asked the receptionist*
Receptionist: in the waiting area and they're from south Korea that's what they said*Yn nodded*
Yn came and saw two doctors were sitting while talking with each other seriously which she liked.
Yn: excuse me *they looked at her*
Mr lee: Miss walia?? *yn nods* ohh i'm mr lee and she is miss hwang.. we're from south korea*smiles*
Yn: yeah the receotionist told me welcome* smiles*
Mr. lee ahh no no its okay btw .. we need your help and the medical department hah sent us here to take you 
Yn: what do you mean by take me?
Mr lee: actually it may sound weird but the mafia kim taehyung .. wants the best doctors for himself.. and as everyone fears him, he once went to the department to ask for personal doctors so now the department has sent us here and not only you but the doctors who are the best in their fields acroos the world.
Yn: i'm really sorry but i can't come there.. if he wants to get cure he should come here instead of calling the doctors to himself*coldly*
Ms hwang: your point is right but please miss walia we're here with so much hopes please don't shatter them..*pleads* everything will be our responsibility..
Yn: i agree but i want every details of his in an hour so that i can prepare my self because analysing a patient helps a lot  they both smiled and nodded* okay..


Tanu: hmm its a good opportunity! you can go out of the conutry and see the world beside indiaYN: like seriously? you are not even understanding it! A mafia ? seriously? i've never heard of a mafia still existing in the damn holy world* disbelief*...

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Tanu: hmm its a good opportunity! you can go out of the conutry and see the world beside india
YN: like seriously? you are not even understanding it! A mafia ? seriously? i've never heard of a mafia still existing in the damn holy world* disbelief*
Tanu: yeahh.. then what if not in India but in korea?? he does..
Yn: let them bring the files then let's see..
soon after someone knocked the door
Yn: come in * frustrated


so how was the chapter hope you liked

words: 1094

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