Part 10

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Taehyung's place, A week later from that party

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Taehyung's place, A week later from that party...
Thursday, 2 pm in the afternoon

Its been a while since Yn went out for some groceries with Jimin. Taehyung is not well. He's feeling pain in his whole chest area along with his usual hurting point.

Taehyung: Fvck! I need- ahh *almost crying* J-Jungkook.. 

He called him but his voice came out like a whisper. He was feeling immense pain, He laid on the sofa while tears were flowing. Jungkook was hurrying as Tanu went to take medicines for Taehyung and now she's having a little bit of difficulty in coming back. He was happily coming not until he saw Taehyung... He rushed toward him and heard him sobbing. He approached him with a worried look. Taehyuung was already feeling dizzy. 

Taehyung: J-jungkook... Y-yn... *chocked* H-Help...m-....

Jungkook: out of Panick immediately called Yn and told her told her to come home asap because Taehyung fainted. He called Tanu too and she said she'll be there anyhow... 

As soon as Yn came they took Taehyung to the hospital

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As soon as Yn came they took Taehyung to the hospital. After knowing Taehyung is in bad condition and also he's almost dead due to his condition some people took advantage...Some men were eavesdropping Un and other. They smirked Knowing Taehyung's last stage and his lunges are damaged.. They're one of them who lost their kids and wives...

Man1: That's what you get Taehyung and now it's time to over it all *smirks*

Man2: but what are we going to do?

Man1: Kill Him *smirks* Now let's inform this to everyone... and it's the revolution! we'll take revenge for our Family's death because of him *seriously, other nods*

Saying that they both left where other were unknown from the disaster coming towards them. The doctors their allowed Tanu and Yn to be in the OT during operation...

Time skips, Evening 5pm

Taehyung's condition was worst because of delay in his treatments. He didn't gained his consciousness till now... others are getting worried because of that...

Yn: *sat beside Jungkook* I don't know tf is happening now and i want all of this to be stopped and right now!

Jimin: Yes... *sighs heavily* I-i can't see him like that... Never imagined This will happen *sniffs*

Tanu: We should be positive we can't loose hopes and also thinking negative happens negative *They all nodded*

Suddenly her phone rang, and she picked up. It was a video call from her mother. she picked up and was greeted with a squeal.

Yn: *chuckled fakely* What happened?

But what she said next made Tanu and Yn shocked..

Ym: Yn! Maine tumhari shadi tay kar dee hai! ( I've arranged your marriage)

Yn: M-mom *hiding her tears* I will call you back *hungs up*

Jimin: What was she saying Yn? *normally*

Yn: She... she arranged my marriage... *Hurt*

Jungkook: It's good news though *fake smile* For you only...

Jimin: congrats Yn *smiles forcefully*

Tanu: Yn *Yn got up and went in the OT* this girl

Jungkook: well... you must be happy but think about Taehyung...

Jimin/Tanu: what do you mean by that?

Jungkook: Maybe.... He loves her... and it's pretty easy to see love for her in his eyes... I'm just saying... i'm not sure...

Meanwhile here was Yn talking with his lifeless figure...

Yn: Get up! I'm... I'm leaving! won't you get up!?

she said in a slight high voice...he didn't moved, she sighed... He was listening to her. His mind is active but not his body. He wanted to open his eyes and look at her and talk with her but his body wasn't responding...

Yn: Taehyung... *sobs* Get... up.. I'm getting married.... 

she finally broke into tears while he was trying hard to open his eyes as he doesn't wants to loose his second love...

Yn: Fine! You're not getting up.. i'm leaving and i won't come back again.. *while sobbing hard* 

she said and got uo but couldn't leave... a tear left his shut eyes...His heart went high hich caught Yn's eyes. she smiled knowing his brain is active and he's responding... 

Yn: Taehyun... don't loose hope... you'll be alright

The oxygen mask which was on his face started to loose the oxygen level. His breathing got uneven again. Yn panicked not knowing what happened but saw the oxygen level

Yn: ahh *sobs while smiling* you scared me!

She got it to the normal and he also got normal. Yn admired him but the thought of leaving him was scaring her...she pecked his forehead which he even felt in his unconsciousness

Yn: get well soon... Taehyung...  i want to confess... *sniffs*

she was admiring him when her eyes travelled towards his lips.

Yn: i'm sorry for this but...

She leaned in and kissed him on his lips. He was feeling extremely happy in his heart but couldn't express outside...

Yn: I love you... Taehyung... * pecked his lips softly*

His heart rate again increased and Yn smiled knowing what effect she had left on him by confessing her love for him. She stroked his hairs and while smiling... She hugged him like a cuddle and said ...

Yn: i promise... your moon won't leave you until the sky... means... you leave me yourself! this love is true Jagi~

He was smiling and jumping like crazy inside his mind with a lots of love for her. He wanted to kiss her so bad but her can't because of his out of control body


Spoiler: The next chapter is full of sadness, crying, lost of love kind of

be ready with lots of tissue paper

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