Part 9

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Jungkook: are u Paris? because Eiffel for you...

Tanu: * Wide eyes* W-what...

Jungkook: i was flirting * covers the situation* Well.. did it hurted when you feel from heavens? *She blushed*

Jungkook: oh god... you're so cute... *chuckled* Don't you think being this much beautiful is a crime? I think .. and you're under arrested with me for lifetime!

Jimin: it's enough! you're literally flirting with her since we came here! *Taehyung chuckled*

Suddenly a thought crossed his mind " i didn't even complimented yn"

Taehyung: Yn... if you don't mind.. would you like to dance with me? * kneeling infront of her*

Yn: * smiled* sure *gave her hand in his*

They both went upto the stage and the slow music started to play. Their bodies moved with eachother and the music. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her.

Taehyung: The stars and the night can't be separated but the moon is also visible in day... you're that moon of mine which is separate from other stars in my dark life.... *smiles*

Yn just smiled hearing his words those were like precious to her. She repiled back saying...

Yn: The moon doesn't care about the stars or the night because it has the whole of the sky for it...  and you're that sky of mine which is infinite but beautiful... * smiles* 

Taehyung blushed hearing her and she chuckled...

Taehyung: you're looking that much beautiful that i don't have words too describe... * shyly*

Yn: goes same to me that's why i didn't complimented...

Saying that he spun her around and the music stopped. They both smiled while looking down and went back to their seats. 

Jimin: woah! that was so romantic... *naughty smile*

Taehyung: yah shut up! * embarrassed*

Yn: okay so let's eat... i'm already hungry!! *pouts*

Taehyung  chuckled and she went with Jimin to take food...

When she came back she foods for every one except her and Taehyung. she knew that he'll feel sad eating food without any flavors but she could only get fruits...

Yn: Taehyung don't worry we'll eat later *he nods* Till then eat fruits * he whined* Taehyung.. *glares*

He finally took a piece of apple and ate... He was being dramatic while eating it so she fed him. he silently ate being all shy. she fed him not knowing what is going in his mind. They finally finished the plate of fruits she bought.

Taehyung: Hey~ i want to eat this.. *points at jimin's plate*

Yn: No * He showed puppy eyes* Fine only one * he pouted* Fine!! Two *he showed an innocent face* Fine 5.. only!


sorry for short chapter and late update

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