Part 2

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Y/n: come in *frustrated*


Miss Hwang: *entered* i am sorry i am 3 minutes late..
actually it was kinda hard to name the disease
Yn: what do you mean miss Hwang?
Miss hwang: actually he has problem in breathing and also we can't say it's exactly asthma or cancer.. because he doesn't drinks or smokes..
Yn: *nods* show me the reports and have a seat..
Miss Hwang gave her the file and sat beside tanu. Yn fillpped through the pages and got to know he's really a mafia
Yn: it's kinda.. complicated because he gets uneven breathing suddenly and also it's hard to say that time if he'll die or survive?? *miss Hwang nods* it's serious....
Miss Hwang: this is why.. he wants the best doctors..
Yn: * nods* it's duty to save a patient so i am in.. but i want tanu to come too*coldly*
Miss Hwang: yeah sure.. if she wants but but i'm not sure if he'll accept or not.. *slowly*
Yn: don't worry I'll handle that * Miss Hwang smiles*
Miss Hwang: so we'll inform when to leave.. actually we have to leave tomorrow and the timings will be decided.
Yn/Tanu: okay sure...
as soon as she left they both got a notification of them getting posted to south korea. Tanu squealed
Yn: so fast.. *scoffs*
Tanu before going handover your works to the doctors and tell them how to do and when to do also send miss Shivani in my cabin.. *Tanu nods and leaves*
Shivani: *knocks the door * may I come in doctor??
Yn: yeah Shivani have a seat *she sat Infront* so I am hand overing my works to you hope it's fine.. *she nods*
Shivani is the doctor but because of her late internship she is late to be the main...
Shivani: That's really a great opportunity for me ma'am (she said as she smiled. Yn also smiled a little and told her what to do and how to do.)
Shivani: That's it? it'll be easy but i have to be serious...
Yn: yeah, i know you can do it ..* smiles*
Shivani: sure ma'am *smiles and left*

Time skip 5:57 pm

Yn was wrapping up her works when her gaze went on taehyung's file, she sighed and took it..
Yn: time to meet you mr. mafia *cold stare*
suddenly Tanu rushed in and Yn flinched.. she was breathing heavily while struggling to have oxygen
Yn: what what what happened?
Tanu: nothing nothing nothing happened!
Yn: Then why are you in a rush? *disbelief*
Tanu: ahhhh I don't know how reject his date tonight!
Yn: date? which date? *confused*
Tanu:  bitch! with Rajiv! how will deny? *anxious*
Yn: give me your phone.. only if you have his number..
Tanu: uh yeah i dialed it * nervous*
Rajiv: *picks up* hey Tanu
yn: it's Yn and i am really sorry she can't come...
Rajiv: Hein? but why? *puzzled*
Yn: because we have posted to south kore*a and we're leaving tomorrow so she has to pack her things
Rajiv: oh yeah no problem *sounds happy*
Yn: yeah bye.. * he hanged up* so-
she saw Tanu with wide eyes and mouth hung open..
Tanu: h-he.. simply said that?*shook*
Yn: yeah.. why? what's so in that? *raised an eyebrow*
Tanu: broo! i thought he'll be angry or sad...
Yn: look.. i'm telling you i don't feel him right.. and don't take me seriously because i don't like lovey Dovey things so maybe that's why.. * Tanu nods confused*
A/n: ache u don't, let's see
Yn: what you mean
A/n: bye
Yn: hey bitch tell me, Aishh
Tanu: ahh leave him let's go we're already late it's 6!
Yn: ohh yeah.. i have to tell mumma about it too..
Tanu nods and then they both left for their home...

Time skip 6:25 pm at home

Time skip 6:25 pm at home

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