Chapter 1

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"Whatever happens today, you will take the blame, remember it is your turn today." Zainab reminds me of our group rules.
At this point I don't even understand why I am friends with them. Maybe because they are the only ones I feel most comfortable with. Obviously we all vibe together I am as naughty as them, but I can't do anything if people think of me as innocent.

"Here you go, everyone is going to get three-three momo only." Kabeer sits down as he keeps the plate on the ground in the middle of the circle we have created near the campus canteen.
He is the only one with unique eyes in our group. Like his eyes, his soul is also gray. At first he befriended us because we all are from influential families.
He accepted this himself, for him status matters a lot, he doesn't even look at people who come from financially weak background. It is the only thing I don't like about him.

But I can't do anything much, it is not like he does anything harmful or disrespectful to them, he just doesn't like to be around those people and that's his preference, we all have come to accept this fact.

"Who's turn is it?" I ask stuffing my mouth with hot, but delicious momo. Food is love. And by food I mean fast food not the sabzi, it is a 'no no' for me. Like I am a human not a cow who will eat ghas-phus.

"Me," Mariyam says with mischief gleaming in her eyes, "I choose dare." She states and all of us start hooting. We don't do 'dares' because everyone in our group is insane, including me. We live for adventure, and we love to create chaos.

"Maru meri jaan now you should read kalma, today is going to be your last day." Arham says with a smirk. With a hight of 6 he flexes like he is some kind of celebrity.
"Do you guys know about the strict new teacher in media department?" He asks with an evil smile. Every one in my group is a walking model. This is why our group is the "most loved infamous group".

Loved because everyone has a crush on our group members, there is not even a single one among the six of us who hasn't received any confession. The most of the confessions are for Arham and... Me.

He loves the attention whereas I don't like it much, I ignore them as best I can. I am an old school girl I don't feel comfortable with other males except Arham and Miqdad. Maybe because I don't see them as males. They don't need to know that.

Infamous because, well we are the creators of chaos.

"No, and just for your very kind information, I have daddy issues not grandpa once." She says with a 'humph' at the end.

"Who cares if he is a daddy or daddy's daddy all you have to do is to propose him. Don't tell me you are losing your sparkle." He challenges her. One thing about Mariyam is that she loves challenges and Arham loves to mess with her.

A confident smirk appears on her face as she gets up brushing the remnants of grass and dust from her dress. "Tell me where is he?" She asks, with her eyes in full playful mood.
"There," He points moving his head towards the notice board. "The man with black trench coat." All the heads turn around to see except me and Kabeer.
I don't look at na-mehram unless necessary and Kabeer is never intrested in anything.

"Okay, cool wait and watch."I hear her say as I take out my phone read novel.
"You did her so bad Arham," Zainab hits his shoulder, and I still don't look behind to see what is so wrong about it. Maybe the professor is very old. Maybe he is scary. Whatever the case is, I am more interested in my book.
Kabeer lays down on the ground, keeping his hands behind his head for support. He is very difficult to comprehend, Kabeer Abbas Rizvi is not someone sane people can understand. He is so normal with us, but at the same time he acts all high like a king with people having lower background.

"Oh shit, Arham? Why is he coming here?" I can sense panic in her voice so I look up only to find him smiling widely.
"Who is Ayat here?" A deep voice reaches my ears sending shivers down my spine. The voice is both calming and demanding. I get up and turn around.

"I-" The moment my eyes get a look of his face every word loses its senses. Here in front of me is standing a man with the most unique and attractive face. He doesn't look like Indian, but at the same time he does... A little bit at least.

He is tall, as tall as kabeer, his hight is enough to demand respect from everyone of us here.
His eyes are chocolate brown in colour, and his lips are red like tomato.

"Should I suspend you for disturbing a professor like this?" He is shooting daggers with every word. How can someone be so rude?
"Why, you can't suspend me for-" Before I can complete my words he comes close to me, engulfing the space between us. I want to step back but I am freezed at my spot, I can't move because his dominance doesn't let me.
"You tried to mess with me." Every word that is leaving his mouth is monotonous. I am trying to collect myself to speak when a hand comes in between us pushing him away from me.

Kabeer stands in front of me, his body shielding me. I was right, they both are of same hight.
"You wouldn't want to mess with my people, prin-" He pauses midway and it feels like now there eyes are talking. My friend is smiling but the rude professor in front of us is not even flinching.

"I just need to talk to her, you need not to poke your small nose in our business." The rude professor says with the most lazy tone.
"Last I checked my girl was single, so I don't see what the word 'our' Means." Kabeer copies the same tone.
I see a small frown on the professor's face, but it vanishes soon.

"Miss Ayat, my office, in two minutes or be ready for the consequences." He orders. Without even waiting for my answer he walks away as if he thinks I'll obay his demands. He is right I will. I just know that I don't want to be ready for any consequences, not today, when people are coming at my home for my marriage.

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