Chapter 2

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I ended up not going to that professor's office... Not become of my own fault but due to the collective 'staring in my soul' by my friends. Now here I am outside a luxurious hotel because I have to meet my fiancee.

I was not planing to meet him before marriage. Maybe I  am affected by our Junior Fatima, but I didn't want to meet him before marriage.
I wanted to keep it a surprise for myself. I knew that he won't be ugly because my mom selected him, and her standard is 'my aukaat ke bahar wala ladka', so I was chill until my mom said that he wants to meet me.
I am very awkward when it comes to such meetings. I mean what will I say to to him?

"Hey, the seat is booked with the name of Hassan" I say. One of the staffs came to take off my coat but I politely refused. Again the  Fatima's effect I was talking about.

The staff takes me inside the restaurant towards the VIP section. Mom did not tell me he is this rich.
"This is your room miss" He informs while opening the door.
The man who is also going to be my husband next month is looking down at his phone. As soon as the door closes behind me he looks us with a big smile.

"Hello wifey," He says making my heartbeat like a mad person.
I shake my head to cancel the absurd thoughts in my mind, why am I seeing the professor as my future husband.
"Sit down Ayat." His tone is ordering but it comes out elegantly. My legs work on their own and I sit down in front of him.

"Here order whatever you want." Passing me the menu he says it so casually as if this restaurant is owned by him.

"Do you own this- no wait. What are you even doing here?" I try to sound calm but my brain cells are dancing around making me go crazy.
"I am here to know you in a better way," He pauses and a smirk plays on his flawless face.

"If I say this you won't believe me since I can clearly see signs of shock on your face." He gets up from his chair and walks towards me.
"Also you did not come to my office, therefore I had to come to you." He says while leaning towards me. His honey brown eyes look so honest and kind but his face is the most demon type I have seen.

He gets behind me keeping his hands on my shoulder. "Don't worry Ayat, I am not going to eat you." He takes off my coat and hangs in on the chair beside me. "Not yet, I won't promise for later." He says with a deep, dangerous voice as he sits back on his seat.

Taking a deep breath I start speaking. "You are my professor, don't you think this is going to ruin your reputation and I would be seen as a slut who will do anything to gain marks? Why do you have to do this to us? Also what will I tell to-" He laughs while passing me a glass of water.

"Calm down meri jaan, no one will say anything and we are getting married not having any relationship that will harm my reputation. No one can even come near me let alone harm a single hair of me." He completes and his eyes start turning dark.
I never thought I would see this in real life. But he looks good in everything, be it his laugh or his eyes darkening.

"And dare anyone say anything bad about you, and they won't be able to see the next sunrise." His voice comes out in a smooth manner making my heart beat.

Fuck my life. Am I simping on my professor?

Sighing I say, "I don't even know anything about you, except that you are my professor."
Leaning back on his chair he gives me a devilish smirk, "so you want to know me, that's a good beginning. Let's play a game."

"What.... Game?"

"You can ask me as many questions as you want and I'll answer it all until you are satisfied with my answer. How does that sound?"

"Hmm, I like it... Sooo what is your full name?"

"My full name is really long but in short it is Hassan Al Amir."
He is constantly staring at me making the temperature in the room rise.

"What about your past girlfriends? I don't need any drama in life and I don't like sharing my husband with any bitc- ahem... Anyone." I ask in a very serious tone because I take this question very seriously.

He chuckles but then stops looking at the frown on my face.
"I don't know any girl except you and you won't need to share me with anyone I am all yours."

What the heck is wrong with this man... How can he say such things so calmly. Allah please protect me from his sweetness.

"What about your family? Do they know that I am your student?" I ask, I have talked to his mother and she seemed sweet. He shifts from his position taking a straight one.

"I don't have any parents Ayat...You are my wife and I don't want to lie to you. The people you talked to were my guardian at one time before my uncle found me and took me with him. Now I am just taking their help to marry you. I have no connections with them whatsoever." He says, his voice having a hint of seriousness but he delivered it elegantly.

"My parents do they–"

"You mom knows about it, she was my mom's best friend and they were really close before my mom married dad and ended up losing all contacts with the world.... I mean the people she once knew." He looks down avoiding to look in my eyes. Till now he was staring at me like a predator but now he is looking away.

"Ohhh, but Hassan you think we can work it out? Like can we–I mean I don't want the people of our college to know about this... Yet."

A frown appears on his face but it vanishes soon replacing a smile "Anything for my wife."

The food comes and we start to eat, "I am still not your wife."
"You will be in next four hundred eight hours." He says leaving me in a state of shock. Who counts 17 days like that?

"You need to ask anything from me?" I inquire but he shakes his head in disagreement.
After finishing the dinner he dropped me off at my house.

"How was it? How is he?" My mom asks curiously.

"It was good and he is nice." I tell her
"Seee I told you my friend raised a perfect man."

"My dear mumma if I don't sleep now that perfect man will frown at me for being late for his class tomorrow morning." I tell her.

"Ohhh right go shooo shooo."
So she did know about him being my professor? What a great mom I have....

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