Chapter 9

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I shouldn't have come today. I should have listened to Hassan.
Why didn't I?
I would have been saved from this embarrassment at least.

"Ayat, why don't you just listen to me for once?" A boy with chocolate hair is standing in front of me.
This guy here has been silently following me for the whole semester but didn't do anything.
Now at the end of the semester here he is on his one knee and a bouquet of roses.

"Because I don't want to know whatever you are about to say," I tell him.

I really want this over.
I am in no mood for another man crying for me and his friends calling me at midnight to accept his proposal or he'll die.
I have had enough of those things and I plan not to involve myself with those tricks anymore.

"I won't disturb you or irritate you but can you please just give me a chance? I promise that I won't be like the boys you had to deal with in past, I'll be the man you deserve for you." He says and the whole crowd starts hooting.
I really hate this now. Period cramps and this shit on top of it.

I know why he has dared to come up to me today, it is just because I am alone and not with my group. Kabeer obviously is not going to come anytime soon.
Zainab is busy with her new fiance, they are going to meet today.
And Arham is lost somewhere. Miqdad had to take a leave today.
And Maryam is sick.
So me being all alone he must have thought this is a good chance.

"What is happening here?" A voice comes from the left side throwing the irritation making their home in me.
The crowd made a way for him and he walked towards my direction.

"Do you care to explain what are you doing here?" He asks looking at me in a very cold tone. Well, I guess he is angry. He should be angry I mean someone is proposing to his wife in front of him.

"I-" Before I can say anything, he stands in front of me, between me and that guy. He is hiding me behind his big height.

"Ahem, sir I don't see why you would want to interfere in our business." The guy speaks while standing on his both feet.

"There is no 'our' here. I don't want to do anything with anyone in this college or outside this college. Seriously guys stop stalking me. I am married. Please respect my boundaries." I tell all of the people there.
I am done with all of them.
I wish people didn't see me just for my beauty but for who I am.

"But you knew that I was following you why didn't you say anything at that time?" The guy raises the question making me shiver with anger.

"Are you for real? I don't even know your name. What do you think I should have done? And my friends knew about you, so I knew for a fact that you wouldn't be able to harm me." I say in a very irritated tone.

"So you don't like me? Never liked me? Not even for once?" He asks once again. And this time I see Hassan clenching his fist

"Never liked you and never will," I say confidently.


The crowd starts hooting when the chapri guy confesses his love for my wife.
They look like a bunch of people who have never seen anything in life. I can see a few other boys looking at her in a very different way.
In a way that makes me want to take their eyes out and feed them to them.
How dare they look at my wife as if she belongs to them?

I would have taught them a lesson if I hadn't promised her not to disclose our relationship at the university.
I am so angry that all I see is red, but I need to control my anger so that I don't scare her.
I can sense her irritation through her body language and I don't want her to have more stress than she is already taking.

"What is happening here?" I ask as I walk through the crowd towards her. She doesn't look at me but her body immediately relaxes.

"Do you care to explain what you are doing here?" I ask the guy who is still kneeling in front of my wife.
Ayat looks at me with confusion.
Does she think that I am asking her? I am just looking at her after a long day. She is my peace.
Any tiredness that I had earlier vanished into thin air just by looking at her face.
Then I stand between her and the annoying boy.

"Ahem, sir I don't see why you would want to interfere in our business." The guy dares to open his trash mouth which only speaks rubbish.

Who does he think 'our' is here? She is my wife.
And she is only mine you chapri boys. I look at all the boys who are now looking down or somewhere else. Yeah, now they don't have any guts.

And then my dear wife speaks, telling them that she is married.
I love this.
Even though we are not revealing our identity at least these chapris now know that she doesn't belong to them.
But then he says what he shouldn't have.
He dared to bring up the topic of him stalking her for a whole year.

Yes, I knew about it.
But at that time I couldn't do much.
I was also stalking her so I couldn't do anything except for the fact that sending him a few warnings...
I mean she was mine even if we weren't married.
And now she is legally mine.
So I can do many things for him he can never even imagine.

"But you knew that I was following you why didn't you say anything at that time?" The guy asks,  testing my patience.
I am very bad at this.
I have anger issues and I have done therapy for a year.
Went to a lot of psychologists, took a lot of counselling and at last when I was sure that I wouldn't hurt her now, that's when I started pursuing her (by creating a fake family to send a marriage proposal to her family), yeah I went to great heights to make sure no one can take her away from me or I become the reason that she gets away from me.

Thankfully Ayat has a different kind of effect on me, whenever I hear her, smell her presence, and feel her.
It gives me a sense of relief.
Although she says that she is never going to like him, I still don't feel so good about it.

"Go away, everyone." I say to the crowd and then I look into that guy's eyes "You better know that I have the authority to suspend you, so it is recommended from my side to you that you vanish in the thin air without making any noise." That's all I say to him and look away.

"Miss Ayat follow me," I tell her and walk away from them.

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