Chapter 3

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Reach on this address in five minutes before I tell everyone about hidden prince of Arabia Empire.

I am still looking at the message while standing at the address. Who is this unknown person. I can send the number to White Snake but that man is an actual snake, what if he tries to use this for his own benefit.
No one can know about my identity.
No one means no one.

Suddenly the building lightens, now when I look it is quite luxurious apartment hiding in the darkness of the haunted forest.

"Come inside brother-in-law," A guy as tall as me taps my back from behind and walks towards the apartment door which opens looking at his face.

Without wasting much time I follow him and to my surprise the door opens revealing a Royal looking hall.
I am a prince I have seen many luxurious mansion but this one is the best among all. And something like this exists in India surprises me.

"Wellcome Mr. Hassan Al Amir." A guy who has wolf eyes comes in front of me with a devilish smirk which matches mine in times of adventure.
"Kabeer here." He stretches his hand for a hand shake but I don't follow him. "I am sure you must remember me, since I called your finance mine." He says shamelessly.

"Don't worry sir... Opps Hassn... This man here has a wife." The man who tapped my shoulder says. Miqdad Siddique.

"Who cares about her and you shut up." Kabeer says.

I know their names, I know everything about them. How? I did my research. I mean they are the most closest to my girl obviously I had to study them.

"Who sent–" Before I can complete my question kabeer raises his hand mischievously.

"I did. We wanted to have a good talk with our jiju...just to test you if you are worthy of our girl or not." He says with his ugly smile.

"Oh, what do you want to know?" I walk and sit down on the sofa.
"Welcome to our gang of chaddi badi, Jiju." Arham says. He is the Playboy of the college. I don't know why my wife is friends with such boys.

"Nahi, it's fine Zubair bhai, I am ok don't worry." A soft feminine voice forces us all to look at the door from where it was coming.

A girl, no more than 5'7, wearing an Iranian abaya is standing, while gazing down at floor.

"Fatima, you can tell me whatever you want. You know right?" The man standing beside her says.

"Hmm." She looks in our direction– or should I say towards kabeer– and her eyes are visibly swollen. She immediately looks away walking away towards the stairs.

"Who did this to her? You?" Kabeer speaks, his voice now dead serious and scary in a way.
And I don't find much voices scary. So it is interesting.

"It's weird to come from a person who says he hates his wife." The person named Zubair walks towards us and sats on sofa opposite me.

"Don't shit with me, Zubair. No one has the authority to hurt her except me. You know that." He says in a calm voice but there was nothing calm in his mind. I can feel it because I understand this emotion.

"Don't worry then, maybe she is crying because of you." Zubair says while taking a bite of an apple which was sitting in basket few seconds ago.
"Good for you." He says and goes towards the stairs.

"He is scary when it comes to his wife. My god may allah protect whosever made her cry." Miqdad says.

"Nah, tomorrow morning they will be dead. Reason of death will be unknown." Zubair says as his eyes find me.
"Oh we have a guest here?" He says.
"Hassan Al Amir." I inform. I like them... They are exactly what I need when I lose my mind. Maybe it will be good to know them personally.
"Zubair Ali Khan." He says with a casually but with a smile.

"Ohhh shit!" Arham shouts. "I need to go boys... We'll talk later jiju... It was nice to meet you." He gets up grabbing his car keys.
"Wait I am also coming with you." Miqdad says bye and follows him outside.

"Where are the boys?" Kabeer comes down, his anger now gone and a smile is on his face.
"Again Arham dhaniya le  jana bhul gaya hoga nothing new." Zubair says. I do understand hindi, my mom was Indian. So I know what he is saying. "Bewakoof hai vo by the way what happened to the girl you kidnapped yesterday?" Kabeer asks sitting beside me.

"My god don't even get me started on that girl. I am just coming from Dr. Sharma's clinic. She made me question so many things. I have never seen a shameless girl like her." Zubair completes and a frown appears on his face.

"You kidnapped a girl?" I inquire.
He looks at me and then kabeer after few minutes he nods. "My men did a mistake and I kidnapped the wrong girl... And the wrong girl ended up being the sister of the girl I wanted to kidnap." He confesses.

"And the girl he wanted to kidnap is his crush tell him that too... Don't worry he is like us." Kabeer says.
"Excuse me I don't kidnap anyone."
"You have the capabilities to."
This man.... He reminds of a beast, a snake. But that is not possible because that snake can't be human. He has to be some kind of alien to be The White Snake.

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