Chapter 7

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"You don't have to worry about her... She'll be fine." Kabeer says.

His eyes are empty and he does not have any emotions while saying this
Before I can say something else Hassan speaks.

"How can you be so calm when your wife is in this situation? Or do you hate her so much that you don't even care about her being alive or dead?"
Kabeer doesn't reply he sighs as he takes out his phone. "We will not disturb you... I have messaged Zubair he'll come and pick us up."

"She is not going anywhere, I don't trust you with her anymore."
He looks at me, faint existence of emotions is visible in his eyes now.

"Don't shit with me Ayat–"

"You better not talk like that to my wife," Hassan says matching Kabeer's threatening tone.

He runs his hand through his hair, and now his emotions are coming out... It is like he can't pretend anymore with the masks he puts up.

"Ayat, Hassan... I am really thankful for today and yes I am sorry for invading your privacy... But I would appreciate it if you don't interfere in our business." He says with a tired tone.

"Kabeer I just–" I try to say but he raises his hand in the air to halt me.

"I know you are worried and fine you can and also thanks for worrying about us it feels good... But trust me I don't have any intentions of harming her... She is my wife. Please let me deal with my shits."

His words make me feel sad because no matter what I know he is not a bad person. Once Fatima told me that... "He is not as bad as you all think about him... He just doesn't care to explain himself," Now I understand what it means... Kabeer doesn't care what anyone thinks of him... And it is in human nature to assume bad things about someone.

"Take care of your wife first... Give separate positions to your parents and your wife... If your parents don't like her get a separate house with her... Your wife is not entitled to deal with your parent's attempt to murder her." Hassan says.

"Don't be a professor at home Hassan. You are boring." Kabeer tries to joke but he is not laughing or even smiling, there are still no emotions on his face when the doorbell rings.

"It must be Zubair," Kabeer says
Hassan goes and opens the door and there is standing an angry Zubair. He frowns and enters the house walking straight to Kabeer.

In seconds a strong punch was thrown at him from Zubair.
I get up from my position to help him out... But then I realised that he actually deserved it.

"She better be fine Kabeer or I'll kill you before your brother can take his last breath." Zubair threatens.

Kabeer shakes his head and looks back standing straight. They both are of the same height so it doesn't make any difference.

"She is fine," Kabeer says but Zubair cuts him in between.
"She is not. Not until she gets her re–" He pauses and looks at us and sighs softly.

"Take her to the car I have called Dr. Rai to my house, let's go." He almost orders Kabeer and he listens walking straight towards the room.

"I am sorry Ayay and Hassan that he did this to you guys... We are sorry." Zubair apologies.

"No, it's fine bhaiya... Kabeer is my friend and Fatima is a sister to me." I tell him.
Fatima is in Kabeer's embrace as he nods one last time before walking away.

"Thanks. And good night." Zubair says following them.

I sit back on the sofa holding my head. "It was pretty intense. Why do you think this guy cares so much about your friend's wife?" Hassan asks me rubbing my back slowly.

"Fatima told me that most of Kabeer's upbringing has been done by Zubair bhai. Therefore anyone close to Kabeer is also important to him. They are like brothers from different mothers." I explain.
"It didn't look like his wife is important to him," Hassan says lazily but I don't respond to it. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to feel... No one knows what Kabeer feels.

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