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So I'm doing my physics numericals.. and here is my brother and my crush talking about something.

I looked at them. My brother was looking for something in his phone while laughing with kanishka and I looked at Kanishka who carelessly sat on the bed next to my brother.
I was staring at him when he looked at me. I blinked.

Oh shit, he caught you staring at him.

He smirked.
"You studying?" He asked.
I faked a cough and nodded.
" What are you even studying?"
My brother asked.
" Physics"
"Do you need any help?"
I told my brother.

"You don't need any help in physics? And what about bio" he asked still smirking. I looked at him.

"Bio? No thanks"
"I can see.. human reproduction is a tough chapter, I can help you with it"

I blushed deep crimson red. Is he..flirting with me?
My brother smacked him in his stomach.
"Don't flirt with her"

So I was right, he was flirting with me.
"I wasn't flirting.. I was just offering her a help."
He said innocently but winked at me.

I averted my eyes , trying to calm my nerves.
"Are Trishii.. don't mind.. he is such a flirt, he even flirts with our 50 year old professor, he doesn't mean any harm"

No harm? Can he hear my heartbeat?

Kanishka just laugh at this.

I asked with all my courage
"But last time he didn't..I mean.. flirt with me"

" Yeah that time he was innocent but since he made a girlfriend and broke up with her.. he dated 3 other girls.. and now he is expert in flirting"

My heart dropped. He made four girlfriends in 14 months? So he didn't missed me at all?

I looked at Kanishka who was looking somewhat embarrassed at this and didn't catch my eyes.

I started doing my numericals again.
He doesn't even think you're important for him, otherwise he would have atleast missed you.. but he was busy making 4 girlfriends and breaking up with them. That too in a year?
Wasn't he the topper?

Well I understand.. study has nothing to do with making girlfriends but still....I hope he would have even missed me?

My brother left the room and I didn't even realise, after a while I felt someone staring at me, when I look up it was Kanishka on bed.. in front of mine.. looking intently towards me. When our eyes met he started looking in his phone.

" How is your girlfriend?"
I asked without even realising myself.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.
I too raised my eyebrows.
" Are deep is kiddin.. I had only two girlfriends.. not four"
" Oh whatever.. so how is she?"
" We broke up"


"Why?" I asked of curiosity.
" I wasn't much into her"

" Hmm.. then why you even came into a relationship?"
I asked. I had no idea why was I pushing him so much.
Afterall he can do whatever he want.
" They both proposed me so I accepted." He said casually.

What? If I propose you, will you accept? Why did you accept theirs?

I hummed in response.
He was scrolling his phone casually and I put my books aside and took out a novel and started reading it.

"Kya padh rhi ho?" He asked.
"Twisted, Games"
"Do you like romance?"
I looked at him, he was looking expressionless.
"Yes, I like romance" I said continuing my reading.

He stared at me for a second then started scrolling his phone again.
My brother soon came back and they started talking about something.

Okay so. He had a girlfriend and that also two. He broke up with them...
Why he accepted them in the first place?
I felt a weird jealousy sensation but I totally ignored it.

"Sunaina would be there?" Kanishka asked my brother.
I looked at them.
Who is sunaina? And why is he asking about her? Does he like her? Is she his crush? Or his gonna be girlfriend?

"I don't think so" my brother replied.
"Oh man, chance missed" he saying with a playful expression.
A burning sensation grow inside my chest , my fist clutched and I all of a sudden cried "why the hell you both are disturbing me when I'm trying to read"
I know it had nothing to do with me reading, but hearing those words from kanishka made my blood boil, what does he mean by chance missed? Does he want to impress her or anything?
I fought back my urge to cry and I stormed out of the room taking my book with me.

After an hour or so, in which my brother came and ask me what has happened to me to which I successfully ignored him, I fell asleep and when I woke up, it was silence..

I get up from my bed and searched but no one was there..
Where is everyone?
Mum must gone to market and papa at work but where are those two?
I looked at everywhere, but I wasn't able to find anyone, I peeked in the room and saw it was empty.

I tear came our of my eye.
He doesn't care about me, not even a bit.

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