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What the hell am I doing? She is his sister, my best friends sister. He is like a brother to me. Oh God. What the hell am I--

I shook my head and thought again about it.
The way she was looking at me, it was enough to turn me on... Oh God. Stop it kanishka.

I took my phone and started scrolling,..
Then I got a message.

Deep added you in a group.

Frowning to myself, I clicked on the notification and I saw it was a group of me Kanishka and an unknown number.

Who is that?

Before I could ask that unknown started typing..

"Bhai? What is this?"

Bhai. Oh.
She is Trisha.
But why would deep made such a group with me and Trisha in it?

"Because we all live together and sometimes, so agar kabhi jarurat padi to ek Dusre se ek sath yaha baat kar skte hai"

"So it that Kanishka in the group with us?"


They were talking but my fingers went to her profile and I saved her number.

It was blank first but after a minute it showed me her photo.. her profile picture.
Has she too saved my number?

I felt something at the thought.

Should I say her hi?
You'll look like a pervert. You can say hi on Group, why would you message her privately?

I throw my phone on the bed and went to have some water, where I saw Trisha with her friend, discussing something.

Then my eyes went on her dress.. it was so damn hot
I blinked a few times to register that.
She is wearing a knee length tight fitted brown drees with a thin strap over her shoulder..
I gulped.

What the HELL are you thinking pervert? She is a minor.. stop it stop it.

But my blood rushed and I felt something hard inside my jeans. I closed my eyes and went towards my room and lock the door.

I sat on the bed and tried not thinking about the wonderful sight I just had seen...
She was looking damn beautiful...not just that she was looking...

Someone tapped my on gate and I shook my head.
I went to see who is was and saw the terrific beauty again.
My eyes travelled to her neck as it was looking so kissable.. so touchable...

She waved her hand and snapped me out of my wonderland.

"Yeah?" I asked.. then I noticed my mouth felt dry.
I gulped again.

Her eyes went on my Adam's apple for a second but she looked in my eyes.
"Are you fine?" She asked a little worried.
"Y-y-eah. Yeah"
She raised her eyebrows.

"I'm fine Trisha" I gave her a small smile.
Trying to control myself from looking anywhere else except her face.

"Okay.. I'm going out for a party.. also bhai told me he is coming home in a few hours.. so I just thought.. to inform you in his absence."

"You're going out? For a party?"

"I'll drop you. Where is the party? And who all are coming?"

I know I'm sounding overprotective.. but she is Trisha..
"You sound like my dad" she chuckled.
"I'm serious Trisha.. you're brother has trusted me. You're my responsibility in his absence."  half truth.

She nodded.
"I'm doing to the party of that friend.. remember.. you saw?"

Oh that boy. Huh.
"Okay?" I said.
"Okay." She replied.
"I'll drop you then"

She nodded.
She and her friend both went towards the parking and I too took the keys and followed their way.

I sat on the driver seat and they both sat on the back seat.

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