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Dr. Jennifer Parks, a third year family medicine resident in Salt Lake City, Utah isn't expecting to meet anyone at work - after all, she is currently doing shifts in the Emergency Room and most of the patients are frail old ladies with hip fractures or middle aged homeless guys sleeping off a drunken stupor. Besides, doctors and patients aren't supposed to fraternize, right?

Andrew Robertson has just moved to Salt Lake to join an architectural firm and had no intention of winding up in the ER.

What starts as an uncomfortable situation turns into a flirtation and so much more...

Winner of one of the "Love HQ Watty 2015" awards (I am still so stoked about that!!!), this is my first novel.

This work contains explicit language ("too many swear words" my 91 year old grandmother says, who was my beta reader and, like, my only family member to read this book cover to cover), and graphic sexual content ("lots of sex bits," ditto grandma).

It is intended for mature audiences only. And by that I mean this is an ADULT book with ADULT content. It interrupts the flow of each chapter to say, mature content herein, so consider this your warning for the entire book.


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