Chapter 6 - Millcreek Canyon

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The room was mostly dark, what light there was came from two candles flickering on the night stand next to the bed. There was music playing in the background, The Best of Sublime. The room smelled strongly of marijuana, brownies and sex.

The sound of the toilet flushed, and a man entered the room. He was naked, and although the light was dim, you could clearly make out every muscle on his chest and thighs. He was covered in a light film of sweat, and moved around the room with the confidence of a victorious gladiator or someone who had just defeated a foe in Greco-Roman wrestling.

I was sitting on the bed, legs crossed, admiring the elegance of his physique, when he came to stand in front of me. On closer inspection, his body was dripping with sweat, and I could still smell the tangy ripeness of my sex on his cock, which was at half-mast and right at my eye level.

I leaned back on the bed, opening my arms and my legs and looked down at my own body. My breasts were large, full and round, and my nipples, almost as pink as Maraschino cherries, were as hard and smooth as pebbles. My stomach was flat, and I could see the mound were my pubic bone rose, lightly dusted in soft, brown curls.

He bent down, between my legs, and started kissing the inside of my thigh, first the right, then the left, slowly inching his way closer to my wet slit in the middle. He reached up and grabbed one breast with each hand, massaging them slowly, deeply, pinching the nipples until I moaned softly.

He then brought one hand down between my legs and bent over to kiss my clit. My whole body tensed in anticipation of feeling his warm mouth alternately blowing and sucking on my wet pussy. I looked down again, and caught his gaze, but instead of attaching his mouth to my clit like a barnacle to a cruise ship, he opened his mouth and started mimicking the sound of my Miremba ring tone, repeatedly...

"MOTHER FUCKER!" I awoke suddenly, covered in sweat, with an ache in my cunt that felt like I'd been hit in the uterus with a soccer ball. My phone was ringing. It was Sarah.

"You had better have a good fucking excuse for calling me this early in the morning," I muttered, half under my breath.

"Look who woke up on the wrong side of the fucking bed? What's gotten in to you, for fuck's sake?" She was clearly driving in her car, as she sounded far away, and I could hear traffic in the background.

"Nothing, forget it. What's up?" I tried to sound nonplussed, I didn't want Sarah to know I was still dreaming every single night about Hotty McScotty (having never divulged Andy's real name, this was how he was known in our little circle).

"You were dreaming about him again weren't you? You were, I can tell by your dissatisfied voice. What was it this time? Doggy style on Machu Picchu? Doing a sixty-nine on the International Space Station?"

"For your information he was about to go down on me in a candle lit room," I said, as demurely as possible.

"You are so fucked up, you know that right?" she snorted.

"What do you want Sarah?"

"Dave and I have to cancel our hike with you today, turns out he's giving Grand Rounds conference on Monday and he's on phone call today, and he's being a douche."

"Do you wanna come by yourself?" I asked as I rolled off the bed, stepping over Max, walking towards the bathroom.

"No, turns out I'm being a douche too, I think I just want to stay in today and be a good girlfriend. You know, do the dishes, cook some dinner, suck his cock."

"Ew. Sarah, gross, TMI."

"No its not, you dirty, little minx; you tell me all about your crazy sex dreams with Hotty McScotty. I can tell you about one little BJ with my boyfriend."

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