Chapter 17 - What Happens in Vegas...

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The week that Andy was gone in Vegas was both slow and busy. I had late clinic a few nights and had gone out with Sarah and Ashley on Friday night, but I still felt like I was wandering around aimlessly, bored and in a bit of a rut.

Things at work were busy, though. I had arranged to see Diana again and was worried when she no showed her appointment, but looked in her chart and saw that she was still in the hospital. I reviewed the most recent progress notes from her inpatient chart and it looked like she had several broken ribs, a broken bone in her face and a small amount of internal bleeding which had stopped spontaneously. She was clearly pretty lucky to be alive. I made a note to Tasha that we needed to call her in a couple of days to get her back into clinic to see how she was doing.

Saturday morning I woke up early and went over to Zack's house for our dance lesson. He was moping a bit, too, with Michael gone. They had finally had sex on Wednesday night, and it sounded like on Thursday during the day too when Andy was at work. Surprisingly, Zack was being coy on the subject and did not want to talk about, which only made me more curious.

Normally when Zack was sleeping with somebody everybody knew about it. Which made his silence on the subject matter that much more intriguing.

I told Zack about the evening that Andy and I had had the night I met Diana and that we had not had sex yet, but that we had essentially done everything else.

"Sounds like he is smitten, Kitten. You had better be careful or you'll end up with a ring, a house and a baby in no time."

His comment, said casually in sort of an off-hand way caught me completely off guard. "What do you mean?" I was stunned and had literally stopped dancing mid-move.

He stopped dancing too, "what do you mean, 'what do I mean?' I think it's very obvious how attracted you are to each other and how compatible you are. Isn't it within the realm of possibility that you guys will get serious and settle down and have little, gorgeous ¼ Scottish babies?"

The truth was that I had never really romanticized marriage or kids or life in the suburbs because it wasn't something that I had known myself. I had always assumed growing up that I would get married but also that I would get divorced, because that's just what couples did. I knew that I wanted kids, but that had always seemed so far off and remote, especially during medical school when everything seemed far off and remote.

Moving to Utah had put a pretty immediate kibosh on any mating plans I might have had because there was no time to date in residency and it was too hard to meet people. Which is not to say that everyone I met was Mormon, because that simply was not the case, but it was hard to meet people who I found physically attractive, who had similar political beliefs, who felt strongly about women's rights and marriage equality and who didn't mind that I worked 80 hours a week.

I had sort of given up on dating when I met Andy. Since our first two encounters were in the hospital, I had not initially thought of Andy as anything but an attractive patient anecdote (and fodder for my increasingly sexual dreams). But after running into him on the mountain and taking him to the airport, something had changed. I had started to see Andy in a whole new light. He was so kind, charming, attentive, attractive and holy shit was he a good lover and we hadn't even made love yet! I had moved Andy from the 'guy I'd like to fuck' camp into the 'potential life mate' camp and hadn't even realized it.

"Do you think that guys think about this stuff? I mean, I know you're a guy, but... I mean... do you think Andy thinks about it? About marrying me and having cute, little ¼ Scottish babies?" I asked, walking over to the kitchen to get a drink of water.

"Yes and no. Guys do think about this stuff, generally not as much as girls do, but they do think about it. Michael said that he'd never seen Andy this excited about a girl before and he also said that he thought it was strange that you two hadn't consummated things yet. He said that was very atypical for Andy. I'd believe it too, someone who is as attractive as he is, he can get pussy like a whore gets herpes, and yet he's holding back, why? And it isn't because he doesn't want to, I saw him at the club last week, he was about to fuck you right there on the dance floor. But does it mean that he's got you pegged for a long life of suburban bliss with Max, a baby and a Volvo? I don't know."

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