Chapter 22 - A new strategy

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The next week was harder than I thought. Michael left on Thursday, which allowed Andy to focus on his project and put Zack in a major funk. Andy and I did manage our hike on Sunday morning, although I think we were almost subject to a citizen's arrest for indecent exposure when we couldn't stop making out in front of his building when I dropped him off. I had the feeling that our first time having sex was going to be somewhat frantic and likely very quick because there was so much buildup for it.

He had his big presentation the day after the hike, and my one week of forced celibacy post-IUD was up on Tuesday. I argued that one day didn't really make a difference and that we should just go out for drinks on Monday and then come home to my place and get it over with.

He thought entirely differently on this subject. To his credit, he argued that having our first time be on a weeknight was less than ideal because he intended on keeping me up all night with the persistence and sheer volume of his love-making, which, he argued, I would be much less likely to enjoy if I had to wake up at 5:30 the following day. 

In the spirit of compromise, we agreed to meet up for drinks after his presentation on Monday and that we would go out to dinner on Thursday, with the understanding that we would part ways at the end of the evening and that we would do something special on the weekend.

We did meet up for drinks Monday after his talk, which he said went really well, and then came back to my place. 

Rookie mistake.

We were partially naked before the door fully closed and he was pulling down my panties about to mount me from behind when he stopped suddenly. I pushed my hips back towards him, urging him to keep going, but he stilled me.

"Jen, I need to stop. I can't control myself. I swear if you move one muscle I will take you right now from behind, and I don't think that this is what either of us wants. I think I should go. And before you say anything, one of your world class blow jobs isn't go to be enough to satisfy me right now."

I looked back and I could tell that he was really struggling. I could have teased him by rubbing my wet pussy against him, but that just seemed cruel.

"Ok. We can stop. But do you have to go? It feels like I haven't seen you in ages. And, well... I sleep better when you're here."

"Well then, your sleep when I'm not here must be atrocious because you are not a restful sleeper when I am here."

"I'm not? What do I do?" He had never mentioned this before. I knew about the sex dreams, and there was that one time I'd given him a BJ while we were both sleeping. But I though that that was the extent of my nocturnal activities. Evidently, this was not the case.

"You act out your dreams sometimes. Like that time that you started blowing me while you were still sleeping and that nightmare you had with the tire iron. You talk a lot, too. Sometimes I can understand what you're talking about and sometimes it sounds like gibberish. It actually woke me up one time because you were yelling out someone's name I didn't recognize. I actually got a little jealous until I realized that you were talking to... uh... to your son. Well, to our son."

"WHAT? I had a dream that we had kids? And you heard me? And that didn't totally freak you the fuck out?" This revelation had definitely killed my buzz; I looked down to see if Andy was similarly effected and was not at all surprised to find that he was not, he could still pierce armor with his hollow-pointed hard-on.

"Jen, you were dreaming. How can I possibly hold you accountable for what you dream while you're sleeping?"

"Whatever, you're weird. Any normal guy would've totally been freaked out by that and would have high-tailed it back to safety."

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