Chapter 26 - Mystery Lady

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I woke up to the sound of The Flogging Molly's "If I ever leave this world alive," which Zack had chosen as his specific ringtone while intoxicated at a party last year. It took me a minute to realize where I was. The bed was comfortable, but clearly not my own, Max wasn't barking at me to let him out, and I could feel Andy's warm, naked body pushed up against mine. Without opening my eyes, I nestled my bottom into his groin, luxuriating in the proximity of his warmth and the intimacy of his touch.

Andy's erection was nudging against the small of my back, where he normally placed his hand. His breath was warm on my neck, his right arm wrapped around my waist, cupping my breast in an entirely nonsexual manner. I sighed contentedly, not wanting this moment to fade.

Without opening my eyes, I reached out for my phone on the bedside table and silenced it. Knowing Zack, I had about 30 seconds before he called back. Realizing that he could not be forestalled indefinitely, I promised myself just this one "Zack snooze," because for now, and for just a few moments more, I wanted to marinate in the absolute bliss I was feeling.

My headache wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be, probably due to the fact that I had purged most of the alcohol from my stomach the night before, and because Andy had been so diligent about making me drink water after the sex this morning.

Andy.... the sex...

My mouth went suddenly dry. We had had sex and I had slept through the whole thing!


Luckily, Andy was a fucking rockstar and he was able to come once more after I woke up... but still!... who sleeps through the first time with their boyfriend?

Me, evidently.

The phone started ringing again. Fucking Zack. I picked it up, answered the call and put it on speaker, unsure if I had the manual dexterity to speak, breathe, grind into Andy's mounting erection, and hold the phone at the same time.

"Hey Kitten," Zack said, sounding much calmer than I expected him to be.

"Hey Zack," I said groggily.

"Am I on speaker?" he said.

"Yeah. I'm hungover, and I can't manage to hold the phone to my ear just now."

"Is Andy with you?"

There was a grumble of assent at the base of my neck, his hard cock growing more and more insistent at my backside, his hand squeezing suggestively at my breast, in a manner most definitely sexual.

I giggled. "Yeah, he's right here."

"Andy, do I owe you a dollar?" Zack asked.

A chuckle at my neck, and I felt a repeat of the cock-against-backside/breast-grab movement from seconds before.

"Better make it a twenty Andy," I said, thinking about the four orgasms Andy had given me only hours before.

For a moment everyone was silent, then we all burst out laughing.

Zack grew quiet, his chuckles dying down. "I'm glad to hear it Kitten. You're my boy, Andy. Now come and pick up your fucking dog. He needs a walk, and that wasn't in the deal I struck with Andy. Besides, I'm hungry and there's no food in my house."

"Why don't we all go out for breakfast?" I said.

"Uh, sweetie, do you know what time it is?" Zack said, sounding a bit like a irate parent.

I shook my head, then realized that Zack couldn't see this, and pulled my head up to look at the alarm clock on the bedside table.

"Fuck!!! How did it get to be 11:27 AM?" I said, exasperatedly. "Shit, Andy, we've got to check out soon. Zack, lunch is a great idea, we'll be there in 45 minutes, ok?"

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