Chapter 13 - Beer Bar

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Eventually we did make it off the dance floor. He went to the bar to get us some drinks and I went to find a table in the back of the club where it was a bit quieter. I found Michael and Zack sitting close to each other in the corner, gave Zack an auspicious waggle of my eyebrows and he beckoned me over.

I sat next to Michael and asked if he was having a good time. He smiled broadly, "Not as much fun as my brother, I think. Do you know that our Mom made all of us kids take dance lessons until we were teenagers and this is the first time since then that I have ever seen Andy dance in public. Then again, we don't usually go to the same night clubs..." he trailed off.

Andy had arrived at the table with our drinks, so I scooted over in the booth to make room for him. He sat down and immediately, and almost absentmindedly, put his hand on the small of my back. I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled, and curled into his big chest.

The DJ had been spinning a collection of older club favorites, and now he had switched gears to some sort of dubstep techno remix of a popular radio hit which I couldn't quite place. Michael and Zack looked at each other and without speaking, got up and headed to the dance floor.

"It seems that you have me all to yourself Andy; what are you going to do with me?" To emphasize my point, I ran my tongue along my bottom lip.

"Oh God Jen, you are the sexiest creature I have ever seen. Feel what you do to me." He lifted my hand and put it on his crotch where a great firmness was taking shape. He let my hand linger there for a minute, but he pulled it away, not wanting to replicate our earlier hand-crotch introduction.

"Andy, I have a confession to make." I put my lips directly over his right ear. "I've been having sex dreams about you since the first night we met. I have done things to you that I am embarrassed to say out loud." I pulled back so I could see his expression. His eyes flashed wide for a moment at this admission.

"That time that you napped in the park, was that one?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Did you come in your dream? It sounded like you came."

I pulled back sharply, "you knew? Was I talking in my sleep?"

"More like moaning. It was the most erotic thing I have ever seen. If you hadn't woken when you did I was certain that I would've defiled your sleeping body in some way. As it is, the memory of you lying there, moaning and then screaming out my name has... uh...well, let's just say that it's been very useful to me of late when I can't sleep at night. That and the glimpse of your naked body when the mouse ran out from under your shirt."

"I was embarrassed when that happened, but I'm glad that you saw me Andy. Your eyes feel good on my skin." I kissed him again, passionately and was interrupted by a cough on the other side of the table. Michael and Zack were back, Zack squeezed in to sit down next to me.

"I see you two have finally made some progress. About fucking time." Zack said elegantly.

"Hear, hear." Said Michael, toasting to Andy and Me and chinking glasses with Zack.

"Now Andy, let me tell you something about this little Kitten right here. You had better go home and fuck her right because she's never had an orgasm during sex before."

I sat up and looked Zack straight in the face, bug eyed with shock that he had just outed me like that.

"Zack?!? What the fuck?" I said incredulously.

"I'm not sorry I said it, Kitten, he needs to know. She needs a proper fucking Andy, not some wham-bam thank you ma'am bullshit. If you can get this kitty to purr, I'll give you a dollar."

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