Chapter 19 - Lake Jordanelle

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I was dressed in a black catsuit, more Black Widow-style than Catwoman-style, and was standing on the edge of a cliff, very high up, looking down at a deep ravine. The hills on the opposite side were covered in lush greenery, I did not recognize the place, and yet I knew it. There was a river at the bottom, snaking its way through the cliff rocks and from this distance it looked impossibly far away.

Suddenly from behind me there was a presence, like an energy field created from an electromagnet. It wasn't touching me yet, but I could feel it there, pulsating behind me, warmth and power emanating from its center. And then, as if by magic, I was pulled from the cliff face into a small, quiet room of a cottage nearby.

I had the feeling, though, that the cliff on which I had just been standing was not far off, like I had almost been projecting myself from this room in the little cabin out onto the ledge of the cliff, but that this room is where I was, where I had always been. I did feel him then, warm and powerful behind me. I was kneeling on the bed and he was behind me. His hands, big, strong and callused lifted my arms to his neck and then ran down both sides of my body until they reached the top of my hips. His hands then moved around toward the front and slowly started to unzip my catsuit.

My full breasts, straining against the tight fabric, popped out without hesitation, he made a small noise at this, clearly enjoying the view from his vantage point behind me. When the suit was unzipped as far as it would go just above my pubic bone, he raised his hands to both breasts and squeezed them tightly, pulling at the lace of the bra to free them even more. His right hand pulled the catsuit off my shoulder and down my arm and he deftly undid my bra, also pulling it off on the right side. He then replaced the right hand on my breast and using the left he removed the other side of the catsuit and bra.

Once my arms were free he put them above my head and interlaced my fingers like I was under arrest. His hands then moved to pull the cat suit down from my bottom, which proved somewhat difficult, given the tightness of the suit and my moist arousal. He managed, though, and skillfully plunged his hand into the front of my lace panties, moaning again as he felt my hot sex. He pushed himself behind me so that I could feel the pulsing urge of his erection, but when I went to grab him with one of my hands, he put it right back up behind my head and pinched my clit, hard.

I squealed, and made no further movements. I bent my head and interlaced my fingers back on his body, urging him to continue, which he did with alacrity. His fingers entered me slightly, to collect some of the wetness therein to lubricate my clit which he now started to rub and flick vigorously. I turned my head to the side, biting off a scream. I was aroused, but I wasn't ready to give in yet. He moved his other hand quickly between us, repositioning his cock so that it was below my wetness between my legs. He then started moving slowly behind me so that the tip of his cock was rubbing my clit back and forth then faster, faster, faster.

Sensing that I was near to coming, he slowed down and put his fingers deep inside me again, getting more lubricant for the outside. He leaned down and whispered into my ear, "You feel that? I'm going to fuck you with that. I'm going to fuck you so hard your ears bleed. Do you want that, inside you? Do you want that thick, fucking cock inside you?" I moaned loudly, but couldn't speak. His hand was on me again rubbing my clit from above while his dick rubbed me from below. My orgasm collapsed around me, shattering my body like a pane of glass broken by ultrasonic vibrations. My body pitched forward, pulling his hand away, but still his dick moved beneath me and between us.

I woke suddenly, realizing that I was no longer sleeping, that Andy was behind me, doing exactly what I'd been dreaming, only I was laying on my side and he was behind me, also on his side. I leaned my head back into him and moaned again. He put his hand back on my clit and stroked me some more.

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