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Ollie pulled Aurelia into one of the nearby rooms and closes the door. Aurelia was slightly frightened of Ollie's serious demeanour, it was like nothing she had ever seem before

"Everyone thinks we are dating. I want to know what we are."

Ollie wanted an answer. Ollie wanted an answer now. Unfortunately Aurelia couldn't give him an answer, because deep down, she didn't know what they were either.

Aurelia just broke down.

"I... I... I don't know. Ollie.. I don't know. Look. This year my life has been a mess. There is a fuck-ton of pressure on me this season, because I am a woman. My father, who was the driving force behind my career and my love of racing died, and my mother is heartbroken and taking antidepressants. I... I am on antidepressants and have counselling during the week when I am not training, because I don't think I will ever recover from losing my dad. I rejected you in Britain, then I kissed you in Belgium. We haven't spoken since. I honestly don't know, Ollie... I just can't decide whether I like you or not, ok?"

Ollie butted in, cold as ice. "So you don't like me. Good to know. Good to know that I got you that necklace for nothing... that I fell head over heels for a girl who doesn't like me back."

"Ollie that is not what I said! Look you're great, you're handsome, kind, funny... you are exactly what I want! I like you Ollie! I really do!" Aurelia was sobbing by now. "I am just scared that I will mess something up. Ollie. I can't lose you. I can't lose you as a friend. And if that means that we can't date then I have to accept that and so do you."

"Fine." Was all Ollie said.
He had to at least understand her, right? Aurelia thought.

Ollie got up and said "Well thats settled then." Then he walked out.

That one encounter had managed to shatter both their worlds.


"So you lads want to go to dinner in the town tonight?" Charles asked.

So far the boys and Aurelia had only been ordering takeaway to the yacht, so a night in the town was a bold suggestion.

"Yeah sure." Arthur said, and Lando, Daniel and Max all agreed. They all needed a night off slightly crappy, cheap Croatian Pizza from the local supermarket, and to have something nice instead.

At that moment, Ollie walked out onto the deck of the yacht, utterly emotionless.
Lando shouted to Ollie, "Hey Ollie! We are going to go to a restaurant for dinner. Then maybe a club!"

Ollie didn't reply.

Lando looked around at the other drivers, confused. Max just shrugged, however the Leclercs shared the same worried face as him.

The gang drove into town in a big Mercedes, with enough seats to fit the six of them. Daniel drove, but Max volunteered to stay sober and drive them all back, since he wasn't massively keen on getting drunk in the first place.

The dinner was awkward, to say the least. Ollie didn't say a word the entire meal, except to order a salad from the waiter. Despite Arthur and Lando's extravagant attempts to make Ollie communicate, all failed, and he sat there in a miserable silence. Aurelia refused to eat her pasta, claiming to have "lost her appetite", however her tear stained face told the rest of the group that something had happened between them.
Arthur, Charles, Lando, Daniel and Max all made a WhatsApp group, during the dinner, to communicate silently about their two sad friends.

Croatia Boys

Arth: Why are Ollie and Aurelia miserable?
Lando: £100 that they are broken up!
Danny: They weren't together to begin with, dimwit.
Charles: Not helpful Lando
Lando: [sends a crying cat GIF]
Charles: LANDO
Max: I do

Lando changed the group profile picture
Lando changed the group description
Lando set Charles as an admin
Lando removed Charles as an admin

Danny: LANDO
Max: I don't actually know, I just wanted you all to shut the fuck up so I can enjoy my lasagne.

Lando left the group

Arth: Wait so we don't know why they are both sad?
Danny: I am assuming they argued.

Lando rejoined the group
Lando kicked Charles from the group
Lando kicked Max from the group
Lando kicked Arth from the group
Lando kicked Danny from the group


Lando left the group

AN: hope you enjoyed this chapter. Somehow I completely imagine Lando being like this: really caring when in real life but as soon as a chat group is made, he goes crazy 😂

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