Part 15.

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With the time passes, his condition is becoming even worse, his weight is only 90 pounds (42 kg approx) once which was used to be 145 pounds (64 kg approx).

And it's been more than 5 months in his seclusion, he's in depression, now he even stopped bothering about food and water, he is not bothered about anything, passing out on the floor is something happens to him so often. He gained his consciousness itself back after so many hours without remembering where he was, what he was doing, having no strength, he wakes up and lean his body to bed for support to stand up, and passing out again on the bed, his body is very weak, but there's no one to take care of him now.

One day, Lan Wangji decide to visit him as his brother forced him to go and talk with him, he obeyed his brother and went to Weiying seclusion to talk to him.

Entering there, he saw weiying sleeping on the bed, so first he decided to leave but after thinking for a movement, he call him, 'Wei Wuxian'

No response...

'Weiying, Wei Wuxian, there's something I need to talk with you.'

No response... So Wangji went near him and shake him a little.

'Wake up, we need to talk, I wanna have some words with you' Wangji said.

Still no response...

This time Wangji shakes him little harder, but still no response, he's worried now.

'Hey! You listening!? Wei Wuxian! Weiying! Wake up! Hey, Wake up!'

He grabbed his hand and check his pulse he was scared now. He taps his face and wiggle him up, looks here and there for something, but nothing he can find, he's getting frightened now, his heart is beating very fast, he keeps on shaking him, and finally Weiying opened his eyes.

With his vision blurred, he tried to look here and there, he can't focus, he feels the presence of someone near him, 'Weiying, Wei Wuxian, you alright!? What happened!?

Weiying tried to focus on this person's voice, Lan Wangji he thought, he look at him and smile, 'Wangji' he said in low and rough voice cos his throat is very dried and he doesn't have any robustness, still he attempted to push his body up, putting weight on his elbow, he endeavoured to sit up, Wangji noticed and helped him to sit. Weiying smiled at him.

'Hanguang-Jun' Wangji heart aches when Weiying called him by his title name.

'Call me Wangji' he said.

'What's wrong with you? Are you alright, I found you unconscious here, do you want to go to healers you look very pale' Wangji said while observing Weiying face.

Weiying face was looking like a corpse, with dark circles under his eyes, hollow cheeks, lifeless eyes, with no emotions but a little shine in it, for what Wangji doesn't understand, he had no idea what makes Weiying eyes shine like that, in this condition.

Where Weiying eyes are shining with the happiness to see his love Wangji sitting beside him, it's been long since Weiying saw him, and Wangji is worried about him giving butterflies in his stomach.

'I'm okay, it's common, don't worry, you're here, do they wanna make some changes in my punishment?' Weiying asked with a low voice, he's struggling to speak and Wangji can sense that.

Common!? Wangji thought, does this happened before too? How much he's even suffering?

'How often does this happen? It's not something not to be bothered about you need to go to healers, we're going to them come with me.' He said.

'It's fine, um Wangji don't trouble yourself ' Weiying said.

'No trouble! It's something important can't be ignored, let's go to a healer' Wangji said and picked Weiying from the bed in bridal style, Weight tried to resist, but deep down he's liking it, he finally has a small smile plastered on his lips, which Wangji failed to notice.

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