Part 19.

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Wangji pov.
I don't understand what's going on but sometimes is missing, something is wrong...

The deep feeling of lose is settled in his heart giving chill to his core.

He's nervous and anxious, but uncertain of the reason what for, imagine the things is not a habit of Wangji, but today his mind is running miles per second.

He is feeling agitation for no reason or for some reason, it's quite similar to the one, he felt when he lost his mother, It's almost evening, Wangji can no longer calm down himself, so, he ordered all the disciples to assemble the things as they're going back in the clan.

All the disciples were shocked hearing such statement, but they can't be unsubmissive, so, they packed the things, even after knowing gates are about to close and they won't get permission to enter.

They obediently followed the Hanguang-Jun order, and dispatch towards the clan.

At 11 pm they all reached the clan, and greeted by guards, but barrier was already standing high to stop them and only with the permission they can enter, but Wangji don't care, he's breaking his own clan rules, by stepping inside using Jade token leaving all the disciples with him outside.


He stepped inside the clan, and went towards his brother's quarter "Hanshi".

He started knocking the door, and door was immediately opened by Lan Xichen, cos he wasn't sleepy, even after its past curfew, his brother is awake, which makes Wangji more worried.

'Brother! Are you okay!?' Wangji sounds anxieties and his brother noticed that, but he's also frightened to inform his little brother what happened, but Wangji was not in the state to notice that, and Xichen wasn't in the state to explain it.

Lan Xichen pov.
I wasn't failed to notice that how you're bothered by Master Wei presence and how much you started liking it, but not realising it.

'Wangji let's go to Uncle quarters, he will probably explain you the situation better.' Xichen said and dragged him towards Lan Qiren quaters...

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